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Jonathan Karver

Jonathan Karver


Jonathan is an Economist with the Mind, Behavior and Development Unit (eMBeD) within Development Impact (DIME), where he leads the growing portfolio on behavioral insights for tax compliance and contributes to the green agenda (particularly around sustainable heating and energy efficiency), among others. He joined the World Bank in 2016, when he conducted analytical work on poverty and inequality in the Europe & Central Asia (ECA) region. He has provided leadership and supporting roles for various impact evaluations and other analytical work related to education, household finance, fiscal policy, water and sanitation, and sexual and reproductive health, among others. Prior to joining the World Bank, Jonathan collaborated with the Inter-American Development Bank, the Mexican Ministry of Education, and the Center for Global Development. He holds a Masters in Economics from the Instituto Tecnol¨®gico Aut¨®nomo de M¨¦xico (ITAM).

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