The Spring Meetings will take place in the World Bank MC, J, and F buildings, and IMF HQ1 and HQ2 buildings, from April 21 - 26, 2025.

Venues & Services
Meeting Venues

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Limited banking services, including cashing of travelers chcks and foreign currency exchange, are available in the headquarters buildings during regular business hours, but will be closed over the weekend. These services are limited to Bank-Fund Credit Union members only. These services are also available at most hotels.
ATMs are available within the World Bank buildings at the following locations:
- WBG MC - Level C1, Level C2, and Main Lobby near NW elevators
- WBG J Building - Main Lobby
Other nearby Banks include:
- Bank of America: 1900 F Street NW
A Business Center equipped with lounge seating and print/copy capabilities will be available in the front lobby of the MC Building from Monday, April 21, through Saturday, April 26. Business Center staff will be available to help attendees with any questions.
Business Center Conference Rooms will be available to accommodate meetings of up to 40 people. These conference rooms are offered "as-is" and furniture layouts cannot be customized, and IT/AV support is not available. These rooms can be reserved in 30-minute blocks of time, up to 2 hours. Reservations for these rooms will open in late February.
The schedule for available food and beverage options throughout the week of the Meetings will be posted at a later date.
Spring Meetings participants should follow prevailing health and safety guidance. Participants feeling unwell should not come to the Meetings Venues.
Health and medical service will be provided by the MedStar Health Clinic, located in the Bank MC Building, Level C2. In addition to the normal weekday operations, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., the Health Clinic will be available, as needed, on Saturday, April 26. Participants who have medicines requiring refrigeration may use the facilities in the Health Clinic for this purpose. For non-emergent medical needs, contact the on-site Medstar clinic at +1-202-842-1500 during office hours.
Emergency ambulance service can be requested by dialing 88888 from within any WBG building and 39911 from within any IMF building. For emergencies outside the IMF/WBG buildings, dial 911.
Hotel accommodations have been blocked at several hotels for official Spring Meetings participants. Hotel reservations can be made directly with hotels by following the reservation booking links provided here. Click here to see the hotel map and reservation instructions.
An information desk will be available in the MC lobby from Monday, April 21, through Saturday, April 26. An information desk will also be available in the I building near Registration from Monday, April 21, through Friday, April 25.
Information desks will be located in the IMF HQ1 and HQ2 buildings from Monday, April 21, through Saturday, April 26.
In an emergency, the buildings may be evacuated, or you may be told to remain indoors until the situation has been resolved. In either instance, you will be notified by public address announcement, messages on digital signage/video monitors, or by security personnel. If you are mobility-impaired and cannot evacuate, call the Emergency Response number listed below or seek assistance using one of the emergency phones located in every stairwell on each floor of both IMF buildings.
Security Tips
Visibly display your Meetings ID badge at all times inside the venues. Keep your ID badge in a secure place when outside the security perimeter, but readily accessible in order to display it upon request at security checkpoints.
- Immediately report the loss of your ID badge to security.
- Do not leave laptops, mobile phones, or other personal items unattended.
In line with our organizational mission and the Sustainable Development Goals, World Bank HQ has implemented a campus-wide waste disposal system to improve recycling and composting efforts and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. In the common areas on each floor of the buildings, you will find 4 color-coded collection bins with detailed signage indicating what materials are to be placed in each:
Green: Recycling - Paper, including water boxes and cardboard
Blue: Recycling - Other recyclables, like bottles, cans, and plastic
Red: Composting - Compostables, including food waste and all WB take-away containers
Black: Landfill - Any items that can't be recycled/composted. If you are unsure, place items here.
We encourage attendees to assist our sustainability efforts and respect our planet's resources by doing your part to reduce our overall environmental footprint.
No dedicated transportation service will be provided between the airports and Meetings venues or Official Hotels. Participants should arrange their own transportation. Parking facilities are not available for attendees at the Spring Meetings venues.
Metro: Attendees are encouraged to use when possible; parking facilities are not available for attendees at the Spring Meetings venues. The closest metro station to the Spring Meetings is the Farragut West Station on the Blue/Orange/Silver lines, and the Farragut North station on the red line. Visit the website for more information.
DC Circulator:
Other Options:
- Taxi service: Please arrange with your hotel concerning local taxi service.
Badges and Access
The public program of events will be streamed on . These events are open to everyone and registration is not required to view the event streams.
Registration is required for external participants to access the Meetings venues and attend events. Bank and Fund staff do not need to register and can access the buildings with their staff IDs. Registration will open in late February 2025.
Spring Meetings badges will permit entry into the World Bank MC, J, I, and F buildings, and IMF HQ1 and HQ2 buildings, from Monday, April 21 until Saturday, April 26. For delegates only, Spring Meetings badges will allow access through Friday, May 2.
During the Meetings, everyone, including Spring Meetings badge holders, will be subject to x-ray and magnetometer screening before entry into the building, and participants should allow extra time for this process.
木瓜影院 Group is committed to providing access to events and supporting Spring/Annual Meetings participants with disabilities. Please contact to let us know if you require accessibility accommodations. Every effort will be made to accommodate reasonable advance requests.
Bank buildings are ADA accessible: exterior doors and conference areas have ADA push-button door openers, with elevators to serve all floors and elevators with braille labels and vocal prompts in the SE and SW corners of the MC building. Each building has wheelchair-accessible restrooms and water fountains.
For those requiring wheelchairs or other mobility devices, arrangements should be made with outside providers. Those requiring mobility assistance in the event of an emergency should advise the WBG security guards upon arrival, or call security at +1-202-458-8888 in advance, to provide their name and dates they will be on-site.
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