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    Finance for Development (F4D)

    Developing deep, inclusive, resilient and efficient financial systems

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The Finance for Development (F4D) Umbrella Program is the World Bank's main donor financing, partnership, and knowledge platform aimed to improve capacity of low- and middle-income countries to develop deep, inclusive, efficient, and resilient financial systems.   

Our vision: Resilient, transparent and smooth-functioning financial systems and capital markets that enable financial stability, job growth and poverty alleviation.

Our mission: We deliver public sector solutions to the most pressing development challenges in the financial sector, leveraging a range of the Bank Group¡¯s financial, knowledge and convening services for clients. 

Our approach: We accommodate a broad scope of thematic requests from both low- and middle-income countries and stay agile by rapidly adjusting to the evolution of financial systems and the new opportunities and risks in a changing environment, including conflicts, pandemic, climate change, and digitalization.

Watch the video to learn what F4D delivers:


What we do

The F4D program adopts an ecosystem approach toward financial sector development, organized around four mutually reinforcing thematic pillars and three cross-cutting themes, in order to embrace a sufficiently comprehensive scope, maximize the impact, and match the evolving and growing demand from low- and middle-income countries. 

F4D Strategic Focus Areas

F4D Pillars 780x439


What We Deliver 

We work with governments, development partners, international organizations, multilateral development banks, and various standard-setting bodies to deliver through:

Country and Regional Engagements: Advisory services including targeted policy guidance, strategic technical assistance, and capacity building to client governments.

Global Knowledge and Analytics: Research and analytics to provide actionable insights at regional, country, and local levels, expand a knowledge base of technical and operational best practice, and drive thought leadership.

Partnerships and Convening: Stakeholder engagement services that bring together key partners, facilitate collaboration, and promote knowledge sharing for strengthened dialogue and learning.




The reinforcing links between F4D¡¯s global, regional, and country work allow our client countries to effectively translate knowledge and cutting-edge developments into good practice. Similarly, key findings from the practical in-country experience inform our research and global analytical engagements.

Partnerships and convening services are key to the success of the program implementation. Most of the F4D portfolio grants are implemented jointly or in close cooperation with other World Bank units and partners, given the multipronged nature of the financial sector. Key stakeholders include the World Bank Global Practices, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Finance Cooperation (IFC), Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and other public and private sector partners across various sectors and industries, international organizations, and standard-setting bodies.


F4D Factsheet

  • Brief

F4D Annual Report 2023

  • Report


  • Program Manager
    Elena Babkova