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SIEF works to craft messages that resonate, build buy-in from stakeholders and capture the attention of target audiences. SIEF utilizes numerous channels including:

  • ENGAGING with journalists to build their knowledge of impact evaluation evidence and how they can use this evidence for more informed reporting.
    Watch SIEF experts present on impact evaluation evidence and its relevance to the critical development issues facing policymakers in partnership with the International Center for Journalists; read about workshops for journalists in Tanzania and Nepal with the U.N. Foundation; on how to communicate more effectively, featuring U.S. based journalists.
    >> More journalist initiatives here
  • SHOWING the impact of evidence through videos about people and projects
    , a research coordinator in Malawi, as she gathers data for an impact evaluation; on early childhood development sparked a global change in knowledge; take two minutes and learn what is impact evaluation and how to randomize; where an impact evaluation study is helping policymakers understand how to improve healthcare for women and children.


VIDEO Jun 08, 2016

What is Impact Evaluation?

  • TELLING the stories of impact evaluations that fostered new government policies and programs to improve lives.
    Learn how an evaluation in Cambodia helped more children go to school and saved the government money; read about the evaluation of an innovative conditional cash transfer program in Tanzania that¡¯s now been expanded to help more people; learn about an evaluation in Zambia that led to policy changes that will save lives. 
    >> More impact stories here
  • TRANSLATING evidence so that more people can benefit from impact evaluation and the knowledge generated
    Read the monthly Evidence to Policy note series, in which impact evaluation studies are presented for a general audience, exploring the evaluation, the country context, the results and the impact on policy.

For more information on our outreach: 

Contact Aliza Marcus, Senior Communications Officer at amarcus@worldbankgroup.org