
A New Financing Pact for Climate-Vulnerable Countries
September 8,2023
Trajectory for resilient, inclusive growth
March 27,2023
Defying the odds: Bangladesh’s journey of transformation and resilience
March 1, 2023
Where is the money? A call for transparency in climate finance at COP27
November 14,2022
How Is the Global Economic Crisis Affecting Kyrgyz Republic? Interview with World Bank Managing Director Axel van Trotsenburg
October 22,2022
Staying Engaged – Supporting People Who Face Fragility and Conflict
April 18,2022
How Mexico Can Build Back Better
April 12,2022
Why we must invest more in Guatemala’s human capital
April 5,2022
The Fragility Forum 2022 is committed to peace and development in the midst of new and intensifying crisis
February 8,2022
Solidarity with the poorest countries: A renewed commitment to recovery
January 26,2022
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, at Informal Briefing to UN Member States Building Back Better From the Crisis: Towards a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Future
December 3,2021
Tackling Vaccine Inequity for Africa
October 8,2021
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, at UNOCHA High-Level Humanitarian Event on Anticipatory Action
September 9,2021
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, for the Taiyuan Energy Low-Carbon Development Forum
September 3,2021
Leaving no country behind: Africa’s pathbreaking collective action on vaccines
August 6,2021
World Bank – Africa Partnership: Getting Stronger and Promoting Recovery
July 14,2021
IDA20: A moment of stunning international solidarity to support the most vulnerable people
April 23,2021
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director, Operations at the Celebration of Sudan's IDA Arrears Clearance
March 26,2021
Remarks at the China Development Forum 2021 by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director of Operations, the World Bank
March 21, 2021
The number of people in need is frightening – we need a global response
February 23,2021
When will refugees get a COVI-19 vaccine?
February 4,2021
Prevent the Next Food Crisis Now
January 29,2021
A revitalized sense of solidarity to protect and invest in people during COVID-19​
December 21,2020
Addressing the scourge of gender-based violence: Critical for sustainable recovery
December 8, 2020
Seizing the chance for peace and prosperity in Afghanistan
November 19,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the China Development Forum 2020
November 11, 2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the 95th Foundation Training Programme at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration
January 30,2020
Remarks by Axel va​n Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the Virtual Event "From Learning Poverty to Learning of the Future: Charting a Course Beyond the Pandemic" October 20
October 20,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the Ministerial Roundtable on the Central Sahel - Responding to Humanitarian Challenges in a Long-Term Perspective
June 15, 2020
On End Povert​y Day, a time to recommit
June 15, 2020
Humanitarian And Resilienc​e Investing In The Covid-19 Era
October 14,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the Ministerial Meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon,
September 23,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the World Humanitarian Forum
September 23,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director, Operations at the SDG Moment 2020
September 18,2020
IDA: Securing a more resilient future in fragile and conflict-affected settings
September 10,2020
Meeting of the Ministers of Finance on Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond
September 8,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg, Managing Director, Operations at the International Conference on Support to Beirut and the Lebanese people
August 9,2020
A strong COVID-19 response, and a road to recovery
July 22,2020
Forced displacement during COVID-19: A crisis for refugees and host communities in developing countries
June 19,2020
Remarks by Axel van Trotsenburg Managing Director, Operations: Conflict and the Pandemic – Tackling COVID-19 in Fragile Settings (a US Institute of Peace and World Bank Event)
May 13,2020
To achieve peace and prosperity in the Sahel needs long term international solidarity
March 2,2020
Developing countries want more action on climate: ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº is stepping up, December 19
December 19,2019
Investing in refugees and their hosts: A development approach
December 18,2019
Impact investing with the World Bank. How to make a difference – the case of IDA
November 6,2019
Es tiempo de potenciar el capital humano del Perú
July 24,2019
Solo juntos podemos enfrentar los desafíos más complejos
July 17,2019
Bretton Woods: 75 Years of Solidarity with Latin America and the Caribbean
July 12,2019
Solidarity Is Key to Lifting Up the Most Vulnerable in Latin America and the Caribbean
June 20,2019
Uruguay, preparado para desafíos más complejos
June 10,2019
Capital humano, eficiencia pública y buena gestión de los recursos naturales, claves para el futuro de Paraguay
June 2,2019
Guatemala Steps Up Fight against Malnutrition
May 20,2019
Working Together to Speed Up Recovery in Sint Maarten
May 16,2019
Jamaica has made an "extraordinary" economic turnaround
May 14,2019
Facing an Unprecedented Migration Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean
March 29,2019
The Time Is Now to Guarantee Gender Equality
March 29,2019
Tackling climate change in the poorest countries
December 20,2018
Helping East Africa attract investment in priority sectors
September 04,2018
IDA 18: Off to a strong start, as demand continues to grow
July 30,2018
IDA: On the Frontlines of Ending Extreme Poverty
October 17,2017
Amid crisis, global partnerships stand test of time
April 14,2017
Taking on 21st Century Development Challenges Together
December 9,2016
Hope for The World’s Poorest Springs in Myanmar
July 3,2016
Myanmar: How IDA can help countries reduce poverty and build shared prosperity
July 3,2016
How the IDA can help countries reduce poverty (with Victoria Kwakwa)
June 24,2016
Malnutrition denies children opportunity and stunts economic development
March 2,2016
Myanmar’s opportunity: Investing in all its people
February 23,2016
Cambodia: from poverty reduction to shared prosperity
November 5,2015
An opportunity for East Asia in plunging oil prices
Feb. 3,2015
Malaysia: From Developing Nation to Development Partner
January 28,2015
Tracking Urbanization: How big data can drive policies to make cities work for the poor
January 27,2015
Building for the Future: Mongolia’s Opportunity
December 11,2014
Staying the Course on Structural Reforms
December 11,2014
Improving Export Competitiveness Key to Southeast Asia’s Future Economic Success
December 3,2014
Philippines: Mindanao's Unique Opportunity for a Just and Lasting Peace
November 10,2014
Promoting inclusion in Chin State with CDD
May 26,2014
Economic Development a Triumph of Working People in East Asia Pacific
May 28,2014
Seizing the future: Energizing Green Cities
March 11,2014
Global Lessons for Rebuilding Communities after ‘Yolanda’
December 20,2013
A More Sustainable, Structural, and Equitable Approach to Sharing Mongolia’s Wealth
October 10,2013
Pacific Islands Facing a Rising Tide
October 10,2013
A Window of Opportunity to End Extreme Poverty and Boost Shared Prosperity by 2030
July 19,2013
Laos and World Bank to End Poverty and Build Shared Prosperity
June 12,2013
Financial Sector Part of Malaysia’s Success
June 12,2013
Stepping up to Asia and the World
June 12,2013
Six Decades of Partnership and Progress: Indonesia and the World Bank
May 10,2013
Time to Turn on the Lights in Myanmar (with Karin Finkelston and Michel Wormser)
May 10,2013
Vietnam Needs More High Quality Jobs
May 10,2013