The goal of the evaluation is to measure and describe the extent to which the project activities have achieved - in an economic and timely way - their objectives and desired results. This includes the extent to which the FM and BM Programs have improved (or are expected to improve) the business practices and business performance of participating stakeholders (such as FIs/strategic partners; MSMEs and trainers); and (if possible) the extent to which the Programs has enabled MSMEs to access finance.The evaluation will inform FIG¡¯s management team on the extent to which:* MSMEs participating in the Programs have learned; changed their behavior/business practices; and improved their business performance.* MSMEs have increased their access to banking services and/or adopted new financial products (where possible).* FI¡¯s engaged in delivering the Programs have continued to provide NFS offerings and attribute changes in their MSME customer acquisition; retention; visibility etc. to the Programs.* Trainers participating in the FLO have learned; changed their behavior/business practices and improved their business performance.Priority will be given to measuring changes in behavior and business practices. In addition; the evaluation will assess attribution of the Programs to the changes identified and will include an assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of project activities delivered.