
Non-Responsible Vendors


1818 H Street, NW
MSN C 4-400
Washington, DC 20433

40 SP Infocity, Tower #C
11th Floor, Perungudi
Chennai 600 096

Advance Business Center
2 Samara Street, 1715, fl.4

The vendors listed below are:

a)    Ineligible to receive Bank Group contract awards or to bid on Bank Group solicitations for the period listed,

b)    Excluded from conducting business with the Bank Group as agents or representatives of other vendors for the period listed, and

c)     Precluded from having discussions with the Bank Group concerning the awarding of contracts for the period listed because they were found to be non-responsible under the World Bank Vendor Eligibility Policy.

The determination of non-responsibility is made through an administrative process that permits the vendor to provide information showing that they are responsible. The non-responsibility determination extends to all affiliates of the vendor, unless otherwise noted below.

An entity is an affiliate of another entity if: (i) Either entity controls or has the power to control the other; or (ii) A third party controls or has the power to control both entities. Indications of control include, but are not limited to, interlocking management or ownership, identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment, common use of employees, or a business entity organized following the suspension or determination of non-responsibility of a vendor that has the same or similar management, ownership, or principal employees as the vendor that was suspended or deemed non-responsible.

Listing of Ineligible Firms


Vendor Name





Ineligibility Period





Comsis IT Solutions Services



3 NOV 2021

5 Years

Engaged in fraudulent and collusive practices to improperly secure business from the Bank

Center for Indian Bamboo Resource and Technology



30 JAN 2024

3 Years

Engaged in fraudulent and obstructive practices by knowingly or recklessly misrepresenting participation of key personnel and cost, and by providing false information.

Community Resilience Initiative



20 OCT 2023

4 Years

Engaged in fraudulent, collusive, and obstructive practices by concealing ownership and/or beneficial interest

Solutions For Development Support



20 OCT 2023

4 Years

Engaged in fraudulent, collusive, and obstructive practices by concealing ownership and/or beneficial interest

Sustainable Solutions (Pvt) Ltd



20 OCT 2023

4 Years

Engaged in fraudulent, collusive, and obstructive practices by concealing ownership and/or beneficial interest

World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms* Many companies contract with the World Bank in headquarters through their US affiliates.

Questions regarding the eligibility of vendors should be referred to Corporate Procurement,  (CorporateProcurement@worldbank.org or 202-458-5858).In addition, World Bank Corporate Procurement has also made the determination that the firms debarred under the World Bank Sanctions Board Procedures are non-responsible. To see the listing of the "Debarred Firms", go to the World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms (Fraud and Corruption) website.

Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024