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BRIEFApril 19, 2024


Roman Marshavin at SM2024

Executive Director for The Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic, Roman Marshavin at the April 2024 IMF-WBG Spring Meetings

World Bank Group

From April 15 to 19, 2024, the office of the Executive Director for the Russian Federation and the Syrian Arab Republic participated in the Spring Session of the World Bank Group, held in Washington, DC. The Russian delegation included officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On April 16, Executive Director for Russia and Syria at the World Bank, Roman Marshavin represented interests of Syria at the G-24 group Ministerial meeting.  was released following the session. Also, that day the Bank of Russia organized a successful coordination meeting with BRICS Central Banks.

Throughout April 17 and 18, the Russian delegation conducted a series of productive discussions with representatives from different MDBs and foreign governments. Additionally, they participated in a restricted ministerial conclave of the Human Capital Project, where discussions centered on leveraging electronic technologies and artificial intelligence.

The week concluded with a plenary meeting of the Development Committee on April 19. For further details, the written statement by A.L. Overchuk from the Russian Federation is accessible on .


In Russian 

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