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Teresa Solbes, Executive Director, EDS18

Teresa Solbes Castro

Executive Director: EDS18

Executive Directors

Teresa Solbes, a Spanish national, became the Executive Director of the World Bank Group representing the constituency of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Spain on November 1, 2024.

Prior to joining the World Bank Group Executive Board, Ms. Solbes held the position of Advisor in the Office of the Deputy Director General of Sectorial Analysis in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business of Spain. She also held several other senior positions in the Spanish Government including Deputy Assistant in the Office of the Deputy Director General for Trade Policy with Latin America and North America, Head of Area in the Office of the Deputy Director General for Trade Policy with the European Union and Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Embassy of Spain in New Delhi (India).

Ms. Solbes joined the group of Civil Servants acting as State Economists and Trade Experts in April 2004.