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NEWSMarch 11, 2024

Issuance of Sanctions Board Decision No. 143

Pursuant to issued in Sanctions Case No. 759, the Sanctions Board imposes sanctions of debarment with conditional release after a minimum period of one (1) year and six (6) months on Diyokes Consultants Limited (the ¡°Respondent Firm¡±) and Engr. Innocent O. Diyoke (the ¡°Respondent Managing Director¡±).

These sanctions are imposed on the Respondents for fraudulent practices as defined in Paragraph 1.23(a)(ii) of the World Bank¡¯s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011).

Capsule Summary of Findings:

The Respondents were found liable for engaging in fraudulent practices by making misrepresentations during the selection and contract execution processes under a Bank-financed project. The Respondents¡¯ misrepresentations related to claimed ¡°key staff¡± under the Bank-financed contract and violated requirements regarding how such staff should be proposed and/or substituted. The Sanctions Board found the evidence sufficient to conclude that the Respondent Managing Director acted knowingly or at least recklessly in making the misrepresentations. In selecting the appropriate sanctions for the Respondents, the Sanctions Board took into account all relevant sanctioning factors, including both the repeated pattern of misconduct and the Respondents¡¯ later cooperation with the investigation. Full discussion of the facts, allegations, and the Sanctions Board¡¯s analysis can be found in the published .