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NEWS November 15, 2013

Issuance of Sanctions Board Decision No. 61

?Pursuant to Sanctions Board Decision No. 61 issued in Sanctions Case No. 197, the Sanctions Board imposes (i) a sanction of debarment on Ultra Computers Company (the ¡°Respondent Firm¡±) and Mr. Zaur Mammadzade (the ¡°Respondent General Director¡±) with the possibility of conditional release after a minimum period of one year and six months, and (ii) a sanction of debarment on Mr. Ruslan Romanenko (the ¡°Respondent Project Manager¡±) for a period of one year and six months. The Sanctions Board finds that it is more likely than not that the Respondents engaged in fraudulent practices by submitting inauthentic manufacturers¡¯ authorization forms in support of a bid for a contract under a Bank-financed project. The decision provides that the Respondent Firm may be released from ineligibility only if it has taken appropriate remedial measures and improved its bid preparation policies and procedures, including through the voluntary corrective action that it represented to the Sanctions Board as having been taken to date; and the Respondent General Director may be released from ineligibility only if all entities he directly or indirectly controls have adopted and implemented effective integrity compliance programs in a manner satisfactory to the World Bank Group.