Terms of Use for World Bank Group Textual Records
ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group encourages dissemination of its knowledge. Records, donated papers, and oral histories (hereafter referred to as "Records") may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given.
The disclosure of these Records is not a waiver of the World Bank Group's archival immunity.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, the findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the Records are those of the various creators of those Records and are not necessarily those of the World Bank Group's Boards of Executive Directors or its member countries.
An item (letter, memorandum, publication, photograph, map or other archival record in original or surrogate format) that was neither created by an individual whose personal papers were donated to the World Bank Group Archives nor by the staff of the World Bank Group may be subject to copyright by the creator of the record and reproduction of it could be an infringement of such copyright. It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether the item is covered by the copyright statute of the country in which the creator resided and whether the permission of the copyright holder must be sought before the item is reproduced.
Most of the material in the Archives is copyrighted, and in many cases the Bank is not the copyright owner. Consequently the Bank must be satisfied that all copies created comply with the copyright convention of 'fair use' for research purposes. Images of the records can be taken, however no record or substantial portion of a record can be published or reproduced without the permission of the copyright owners.
To cite materials from an archival folder, please follow the following format:
[Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], ISAD(G) Reference Code [Reference Code], [Each Level Label as applicable], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States.
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Terms of Use for the World Bank Group Archives Multimedia Catalog
ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group supports the free online communication and exchange of knowledge as the most effective way of ensuring that the fruits of research, economic and sector work, and development practice are made widely available, read, and built upon. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group is committed to open access, which, consistent with the access to information policies of the World Bank Group's member institutions *, enables the widest possible dissemination of their findings and, for researchers, readers, and users, increases their ability to discover pertinent information.
To learn more about the World Bank Group Archives Multimedia Catalog (hereinafter the Archives Multimedia Catalog), please visit the site or .
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President Robert S. McNamara on trip in Tunisia. World Bank Group. . License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
This example reflects minimum attribution requirements. For academic citation purposes, more complete attribution can be given in compliance with standard academic practices.
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These Terms of Use may be amended by ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº from time to time at our sole discretion. We will indicate the date of the latest amendment to these Terms of Use on /en/archive/using-the-archives/terms-of-use-reproduction-and-citation. Please periodically review the controlling version of these Terms of Use. By continuing to use the Archives Multimedia Catalog subsequent to the World Bank making available an amended version of these Terms of Use, you acknowledge, agree and consent to such amendment.
Please note that failure to comply with these Terms of Use, or with the license terms applicable to any Still Image, Audio File, and Video File including proper attribution format or retaining copyright notices as required, may be grounds for ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group to restrict or prohibit your access to the Archives Multimedia Catalog. In addition, ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group reserves all rights and legal remedies for those violations.
ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group also offers other websites, services and databases that are governed by different terms of use, as stated in the terms and conditions specific to such websites, services and databases. Please review the applicable terms of use before using any websites, services and databases provided or made available by the World Bank Group.
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This site is administered by the Information Governance & Archives department of the Information and Technology Solutions Unit of the World Bank Group (Archives), on behalf of the member institutions of the World Bank Group. If you have questions about these Terms of Use, or about the license terms applicable to any specific Still Images, Audio Files, and Video Files in the Archives Multimedia Catalog, please contact us by sending an email to archives@worldbank.org.
If you believe that your rights, or the rights of a third party, including any intellectual property rights, are being violated in any way by any Still Images, Audio Files, and Video Files on the Archives Multimedia Catalog, please send an email to legalhelpdesk@worldbank.org and include the name and URL of the item(s) of concern.
These Terms of Use have been last amended on: February 14, 2025
* ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Policy on Access to Information; ;
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2025