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Country Context

The political system in BiH is complex, reflecting the provisions of the country¡¯s constitution developed to end ethnic conflict, as well as subsequent changes to the system introduced under the guidance of the international community through the Office of the High Representative.

In July 2015, the Council of Ministers of BiH, Government of Republika Srpska (RS), and Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) adopted a joint program of structural reforms known as the reform agenda. This reform agenda presents a rare window of opportunity for structural reforms in BiH, underpinned by a broad national consensus on the country¡¯s critical challenges and priorities and the sustained support of key development partners.

BiH¡¯s key economic challenge is the imbalance of its economic model: public policies and incentives are skewed toward the public rather than the private sector, consumption rather than investment, and imports rather than exports.

The country needs to shift to a business environment conducive to private investment that supports both vibrant small and medium-sized enterprises and the growth of larger companies, facilitates export performance and productivity improvements, and generates much-needed private sector employment.

At the same time as addressing these imbalances in the economic model, the country must also ensure the sustainability and inclusiveness of future growth.


Bosnia and Herzegovina: Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*

*Amounts include IBRD and IDA commitments


In Depth

  • WBRER 21 cover horizontal
    Economic Update

    Western Balkans Regular Economic Report

    This is a semi-annual report on recent economic developments and economic outlook in the Western Balkans.

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº
    Engagement Strategy

    Country Partnership Strategy

    The latest strategy for working with the country outlines key development priorities for the period of 2016-2020.

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº
    Featured Project

    What does the future of the BiH labor market hold? Read in this summary.

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Video
    Regional Economy

    The Western Balkans Labor Market

    Countries in the region have created roughly 300,000 jobs since 2010. But more needs to be done to address high unemployment.

Additional Resources

Country Office Contacts

Sarajevo, +387 33 251-500
Fra An?ela Zvizdovi?a 1/B/17, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina