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publicationNovember 8, 2022

Egypt Country Climate and Development Report

Egypt Country Climate and Development Report cover

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The Country  Climate and  Development  Report  (CCDR)  explores the challenges and opportunities for improving the alignment of Egypt¡¯s development goals with its climate ambition. It identifies opportunities to reduce inefficiencies,  manage risk,  and strengthen the foundation for increased private-sector participation.  

In addition, it offers a set of policy options and investment opportunities that, if implemented within five years, can deliver short-term benefits in selected sectors while also creating momentum toward important long-term benefits. 

The options identified in this report provide: (I) cost-effective adaptation approaches to reduce the negative impacts of climate change, (II) policy interventions to improve efficiency in the use of natural resources, and complement the creation  of  fiscal  space  to  finance projects that reduce the vulnerability  of  people  and  the economy to climate shocks, and (III) actions that can help avoid carbon lock-in through low-cost policy changes.

  • (in a PDF format)