The Parliamentary Network on the World Bank & International Monetary Fund (The Parliamentary Network or PNoWB)

Japan Chapter of the Parliamentary Network (PNoWB Japan)
The Japan Chapter of the Parliamentary Network (PNoWB Japan) was established in May 2004 under the chairmanship of The Honorable Masahiko KOMURA as the Japan branch of the Parliamentary Network at the global level. Following successive chairmanships under The Honorable Masahiko KOMURA (2004-2017) and The Honorable Asahiko MIHARA (2017-January 2022), PNoWB Japan is headed by the Honorable Takeaki MATSUMOTO, with a membership of about 60 MPs. Key activities of PNoWB Japan include engagement with visiting World Bank Group senior management and more recently, virtual and on-line consultations with WBG Headquarters in Washington.