

Development Research Seminar Series in Kuala Lumpur


The Kuala Lumpur Seminar Series is hosted by EAPCE Research Center. The series invites leading researchers in development economics and public policy to present their recent work in an academic-style seminar format.

2022 Second Half Season





Oct 27, 2022

Joseph Paul Kaboski

University of Notre Dame

The Stable Transformation Path

Previous Seasons

2022 First Half Season





Jan 13, 2022

Angella Faith Montfaucon

World Bank

The Impacts of Lockdown Policies on International Trade in the Philippines

Feb 17, 2022

C¨¦sar Sosa-Padilla

University of Notre Dame

Does It Matter How Central Banks Accumulate Reserves? Evidence from Sovereign Spreads

Mar 3, 2022

Illenin O. Kondo

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Borrowing in the Shadow of China

Mar 17, 2022

Seonghoon Kim

Singapore Management University

Do COVID-19 Stimulus Payments Stimulate the Economy? Evidence from Card Transaction Data in South Korea

April 21, 2022

Thanyaporn Chankrajang

Chulalongkorn University

Trade and Temples: Conditional Impact of Globalisation on Rural Development in Siam from 1870 to 1914 -- The Role of Local Canal Infrastructure

May 5, 2022

Dany Jaimovich

Ethnic Diversity and Forest Commons

2021 Second Half Season





Sept 9, 2021

Alessandro Barattieri

University of Qu¨¦bec Montr¨¦al (UQAM)

Self-Harming Trade Policy? Protectionism and Production Networks

Sept 30, 2021

Amanina Abdur Rahman and Alyssa Farha Jasmin

World Bank

The Vulnerability of Jobs to COVID-19: The Case of Malaysia

Oct 7, 2021

Xuan Li

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Spillover Demoralization of Workplace Unfairness: Evidence from Chinese Schools

Oct 21, 2021

Yatang Lin

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Expanding Footprints: The Impact of Passenger Transportation on Corporate Locations

Oct 28, 2021

Pablo Ottonello

University of Michigan

Fiscal Stimulus under Sovereign Risk

Nov 11, 2021

Diana Conteras Suarez

University of Melbourne

The Consequences of Child Marriage in Indonesia

Nov 18, 2021

Devaki Ghose

World Bank

Road Capacity, Domestic Trade and Regional Outcomes

Nov 25, 2021

Yogita Shamdasani

National University of Singapore

Climate Change and Labor Reallocation: Evidence from Six Decades of the Indian Census

Dec 2, 2021

Agustin Samano

World Bank

International Reserves and Central Bank Independence

2021 First Half Season





Jan 7, 2021

Titan Alon

University of California San Diego

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality

Jan 14, 2021

Kei-Mu Yi

University of Houston

Trade Integration, Global Value Chains, and Capital Accumulation

Jan 21, 2021

Shafaat Yar Khan

World Bank

How Does Trade Respond to Anticipated Tariff Changes? Evidence from NAFTA

Feb 4, 2021

Kosali Simon

Indiana University

Determinants of Disparities in Covid-19 Job Losses

Feb 18, 2021

Teresa Molina

University of Hawaii

Globalization and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Myanmar

Feb 25, 2021

Ernest Liu

Princeton University

International Friends and Enemies

Mar 4, 2021

Amanina Abdur Rahman, Achim Schmillen

World Bank

From Farms to Factories and Firms: Structural Transformation and Labor Productivity Growth in Malaysia

Mar 18, 2021

Yongsung Chang

Seoul National University

Equilibrium Tax Rates under Ex-ante Heterogeneity and Income-Dependent Voting

Mar 25, 2021

Gerton Rongen and Peter Lanjouw

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Trends in Malaysian poverty and income dynamics: do regional inequalities trump ethnic disparities?

Mar 30, 2021

Natasha Kang

University of British Columbia

Modeling Long Cycles

Mar 31, 2021

Rasim Mutlu

University of Lausanne

Macroprudential vs. Monetary Policies for Dollarized Economies

Apr 1, 2021

Ichiro Sugimoto

SOKA University

Living Standards of Chinese Opium Smokers in Colonial Singapore

Apr 1, 2021

Amina Enkhbold

University of Toronto

Monetary Policy Transmission, Bank Market Power, and Wholesale Funding Reliance

Apr 8, 2021

David McKenzie

World Bank

Small Business Training to Improve Management Practices in Developing Countries: Reassessing the Evidence for ¡°Training Doesn¡¯t Work¡±

Apr 8, 2021

Agustin Samano

University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

International Reserves and Central Bank Independence

Apr 14, 2021

Yunsang Kim

Georgetown University

Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Stabilization in Emerging Markets

Apr 22, 2021

Christopher Alexander Hoy

World Bank

Improving tax compliance without raising revenue: Evidence from population wide randomized controlled trials in Papua New Guinea

May 6, 2021

Woan Foong Wong

University of Oregon

Export Markets and Long-Run Industry Adjustment: State, Private, and Foreign Firms in Vietnam

May 27, 2021

Carlos Vegh

Johns Hopkins University

Fiscal Cyclicality and Market Incompleteness

Jun 10, 2021

Leora Klapper

World Bank

Learning to Navigate a New Financial Technology: Evidence from Payroll Accounts

Jun 24, 2021

Angella Faith Montfaucon

World Bank

Do Non-Tariff Measures Affect Exporters' Margins-Evidence from Indonesia

2020 Season





Jan 9, 2020

Martin Ravallion

Co-author: Michael Lokshin

Georgetown University and University of Malaya

A Market for Work Permits: How to Make Migrants and Refugees More Popular in Host Countries&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡Þ

Jan 16, 2020

Gabriele Ciminelli

Co-author(s): Davide Furceri, Jun Ge, Jonathan D. Ostry, and Chris Papageorgiou

Asia School of Business

The Political Costs of Reforms: Fear or Reality?

Feb 6, 2020

Kian Howe Ong

Co-author: Rasyad Parinduri

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

The Effects of Mediums of Instruction on Educational- and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Malaysia

Feb 20, 2020

Markus Brueckner

Co-author: Rabah Arezki

Australian National University

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A New Perspective on the Resource Curse¡Þ

Feb 27, 2020

David Cuberes and Marc Teignier

Clark University and University of Barcelona

The Aggregate Gains of Eliminating Gender and Ethnic Gaps in the Malaysian Labor Market

Apr 30, 2020

Jared Barton

University of Malaya and California State University Channel Islands

The U.S. ¨C China Trade War: Who Was It Good For?

Jun 4, 2020

Filippo di Mauro

National University of Singapore

Assessing Small Store Performance in Malaysia

Jun 11, 2020

Nina Weimann-Sandig

Dresden University  

Malaysia and its Transition Process Towards More Gender Equality at the Labor Market ¨C Results from a Qualitative Study

Jul 16, 2020

Mahama Samir Bandaogo

World Bank

Escaping the Middle-Income Trap: Long-Term Growth Scenarios for Thailand

Aug 6, 2020

Guillermo Vuletin

World Bank

Can automatic government spending be procyclical?

Sept 10, 2020

Alistair Dieppe, Gene Kindberg-Hanlon

European Central Bank and World Bank

Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies

Sept 24, 2020

Elizaveta Perova

World Bank

In the light of what they know: how do local leaders make targeting decisions?

Oct 8, 2020

Alvaro Pedraza & Claudia Ruiz

World Bank

Banking Sector Performance During the COVID-19 Crisis

Oct 15, 2020

Gonzalo Salinas


Proximity and Horizontal Policies: The Backbone of Export Diversification and Complexity

Nov 5, 2020

Tobias Pfutze

World Bank

The Welfare Effects of Mobile Broadband Internet: Evidence from Nigeria

Nov 11, 2020

Norman Loayza

World Bank

Recovery from the Pandemic across the World: Balancing Short-term and Long-term Concern

Nov 26, 2020

Yu Cao

World Bank

Financial Constraints, Innovation Quality, and Growth

Dec 3, 2020

Tristan Reed

World Bank

Long-run Returns to Impact Investing in Emerging Market and Developing Economies

Dec 10, 2020

Steven Pennings & Arthur Mendes

World Bank

One Rule Fits All? Heterogeneous Fiscal Rules for Commodity Exporters When Price Shocks Can Be Persistent: Theory and Evidence

Dec 17, 2020

Daniel Gerszon Mahler   

World Bank

Lives and Livelihoods: Estimates of the Global Mortality and Poverty Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

2019 Second Half Season





Sep 12, 2019

Marcela V. Parada Contzen

Universidad de Concepcion, Chile

Risk Attitudes and the Gender Pay Gap in a Developing Country

Oct 3, 2019

Donghyun Park, Shu Tian

Co-Author: Marie Anne Cagas

Asian Development Bank

Bond Market Development and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Developing Markets

Oct 17, 2019

?zer Karagedikli

Co-authors: Severin Bernhard, Kenneth N Kuttner

The SEACEN Centre

Rationality and Expectation Formation at Central Banks

Oct 31, 2019

Zia Sadique

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

The Challenges of Economic Evaluation Alongside Large Clinical Trials: The UK Experience¡Þ

Nov 21, 2019

Vengadeshvaran Sarma

University of Nottingham Malaysia

Does Maternal Migration affect Spousal Labour Supply? Evidence from Sri Lanka

Nov 28, 2019

Vijayendra Rao

Co-author: Paromita Sanyal

World Bank

Oral Democracy: An Analysis of Direct Democracy in India&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡Þ

Dec 10, 2019

Davide S. Mare

World Bank

Global Financial Development Report 2019 / 2020: Bank Regulation and Supervision a Decade after the Global Financial Crisis

2019 First Half Season





Jan 8, 2019

Dimitrije Ruzic


Firms and Collective Reputation: the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal as a Case Study 

Jan 24, 2019

Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle

Georgetown University and University of Malaya; Center for Global Development and University of Malaya

Informational Constraints on Antipoverty Policies: Evidence from Africa¡Þ

Feb 14, 2019

Jong-Wha Lee.
Co-Author: Warwick J. McKibbin

Korea University

Korean Unification: Economic Adjustments Under German Assumptions

Feb 21, 2019

Woong Yong Park
Co-Authors: Saroj Battharai and Arpita Chatterjee

Seoul National University

Global Spillover Effects of US Uncertainty¡Þ

Mar 7, 2019

Hyeok Jeong

Seoul National University

Productivity Growth and Efficiency Dynamics of Korea¡¯s Structural Transformation

Mar 14, 2019

Klaus F. Zimmermann

Maastricht University

Economic Preferences Across Generations: Identifying Family Clusters from a Large-scale Experiment¡Þ

Mar 21, 2019

Yoonsoo Lee

Sogang University

Long-term Shifts in Korean Manufacturing and Plant-level Dynamics

Apr 18, 2019

Adonis Antoniades

National University of Singapore

The Credit Concentration Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission

May 2, 2019

Quy-Toan Do
Co-authors: Mohamed Abdel Jelil, Kartika Bhatia, Anne Brockmeyer, and Clement Joubert

World Bank

Unemployment and Violent Extremism: Evidence from Daesh Recruits

May 23, 2019

Davin Chor
Filipe R. Campante, Bingjing Li

Dartmouth College and National University of Singapore 

The Political Economy Consequences of China's Export Slowdown¡Þ

May 30, 2019

Derek Kok

Sunway University

Stunting in Malaysia: Costs, Causes and Courses for Action

Jul 11, 2019

Horng Chern Wong

University of Warwick

Wage Determination Across Firms

2018 Second Half Season






Pablo Ega?a del Sol

Asia School of Business

The Role of Emotional Regulation on Entrepreneurship Education: Evidence from Neurophysiological Lab-in-the-Field Experiments


Chaoran Chen

National University of Singapore

Capital-Skill Complementarity, Sectoral Labor Productivity, and Structural Transformation¡Þ


Donghyun Park and Shu Tian

Asian Development Bank

The Price of Greenness: Some Evidence from Green Bond Markets


Laurence Todd and Wing Leong Teo

Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs; University of Nottingham Malaysia

Payment Card Reform Framework (PCRF): A Policy Evaluation Study


Sergio Schmukler

World Bank

Corporate Financing in East Asia: The Long Road Since the 1997-98 Financial Crisis


Otaviano Canuto

World Bank

Globalization and Technological Transformation


Michael Toman

World Bank

The Conceptual Basis and Operational Implications of ¡°Green Growth¡±


Zaki Wahhaj

Keynes College, University of Kent

Marriage, Work and Migration: The Role of Infrastructure Development and Gender Norms¡Þ


Ayhan Kose and Jongrim Ha

World Bank

Low Inflation in Emerging Economies: Miracle or Mirage?


Xiaobo Zhang

Peking University

Community Networks and the Growth of Private Enterprise in China¡Þ


Sharmila Devadas

World Bank

Assessing the Effect of Public Capital on Growth: An Extension of the World Bank Long-Term Growth Model


John Giles

World Bank

Can Information Influence the Social Insurance Participation Decision of China¡¯s Rural Migrants?¡Þ


Fabian Mendez Ramos

World Bank

Uncertainty in Future Poverty and Inequality: Some Implications of Growth and Natural Resources  

2018 First Half Season





Jan 22, 2018

Ravi Kanbur

Cornell University

Addressing the Anxieties of Our Time: The Work of the International Panel on Social Progress

Jan 25, 2018

Thorsten Beck

Cass Business School

Credit Growth and Macro Prudential Policies: Preliminary Evidence on the Firm-level¡Þ

Feb 8, 2018

Shanta Devarajan

World Bank

Market Failures, Government Failures and the Welfare of Poor People

Mar 1, 2018

Namrata Chindarkar and Yvonne Jie Chen. Co-Author: Shilpa Sathe

National University of Singapore

Impact of Farm Electricity Supply Management on Farm Households-Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India

Mar 8, 2018

Maisy Wong

The University of Pennsylvania

Unity in Diversity? How Intergroup Contact Can Foster Nation Building&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡Þ

Mar 29, 2018

David Bishai

Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Disparities in Child Mortality Among Religious Minorities in the District of India

Apr 5, 2018

Gaurav Datt

Monash Business School

Is Emigration of Nepalese Workers Contributing to Better Schooling Outcomes for Children in Nepal? ¡Þ

Apr 19, 2018

Sui-Jade Ho

Bank Negara Malaysia

Returns to Scale, Productivity Measurement and Trends in U.S. Manufacturing Misallocation

Apr 26, 2018

Ghazala Mansuri

World Bank

Decentralization and Redistribution: Irrigation Reform in Pakistan¡¯s Indus Basin

Jun 7, 2018

Vijayendra Rao

World Bank

Safety Nets and Natural Disaster Mitigation: Evidence from Cyclone Phailin in Odisha¡Þ

2017 Second Half Season





Sep 7, 2017

Thanyaporn Chankrajang

Chulalongkorn University

The Unequal Effects of the Great Depression on Rural Households in Siam, 1930-1934: Crisis Transmission through International Rice Trade

Sep 14, 2017

Markus Brueckner

Australian National University

Inequality and GDP Per Capita: The Role of Initial Income¡Þ

Sep 21, 2017

Sergio Schmukler

World Bank

Market Access, Corporate Borrowing, and Debt Maturity

Sep 28, 2017

Trung Hoang

Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

The Long-run and Gender-equalizing Impacts of Schooling Policies: Evidence from the First Indochina War

Oct 3, 2017

Mary Hallward-Driemeier,
William F. Maloney

World Bank

Technological Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries

Oct 26, 2017

Liang Choon Wang

Monash University

Non-Financial Incentives, Selectivity and Performance of Volunteers: Evidence from a Large Scale Natural Field Experiment¡Þ

Nov 23, 2017

Donghyun Park,
Shu Tian

Asian Development Bank

Do Local Currency Bond Markets Enhance Financial Stability? Some Empirical Evidence

Nov 28, 2017

Young Eun Kim

World Bank

Productivity and its Determinants: Innovation, Education, Efficiency, Infrastructure, and Institutions

Nov 30, 2017

Phornchanok Cumperayot

Chulalongkorn University

Linking Large Currency Swings to Fundamentals' Shocks¡Þ

2017 First Half Season 





Jan 19, 2017

Vijayendra Rao

World Bank

The Anatomy of Failure: An Ethnography of a Randomized Trial to Deepen Democracy in Rural India

Jan 26, 2017

Lin Ma

National University of Singapore

Pirates of Somalia: Crime and Deterrence on the High Seas

Feb 23, 2017

Filippo di Mauro

European Central Bank

Firms Level Data Analysis Reconsidered: A Novel Data Basis and a Few Applications for Policy and Research

Mar 14, 2017

Roberto Chang

Rutgers University

Incomplete Risk Sharing with Complete Markets

Mar 23, 2017

Jean N. Arlet

World Bank

Electricity Tariffs, Power Outages and Firm Performance: A Comparative Analysis

Mar 30, 2017

Edgar Chavez

World Bank

Credit Information and Firms¡¯ Access to Finance: Evidence from a New Credit-Constrained Status Measure

April 13, 2017

Tian Huey Teh

Bank Negara Malaysia

Measuring Bank Risk-taking Behaviour: The Risk-taking Channel of Monetary Policy in Malaysia

April 20, 2017

Witsanu Attavanich

Kasetsart University

Impact of the First-Time Car Buyer Program on the Environmental Cost of Air Pollution in Bangkok

May 11, 2017

Joel D. Moore

Monash University

Going Green in Thailand: Upgrading in Global Organic Value Chains

May 18, 2017

Sergio Schmukler

World Bank

International Financial Integration of East Asia and Pacific

Jun 1, 2017

Steven Michael Pennings

World Bank

Shrinking Dictators: How Much Economic Growth Can We Attribute to National Leaders?

Jun 15, 2017

Woan Foong Wong

University of Oregon

The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade

Aug 21, 2017

Otaviano Canuto

World Bank

Middle Income (or Non-Convergence) Traps

2016 Second Half Season 





Sep 1, 2016

Boon Hwa Tng

Bank Negara Malaysia

The Transmission of Financial Stress and Its Interactions with Monetary Policy Responses in the ASEAN-5 Economies

Sep 13, 2016

Philip O'Keefe

World Bank

Live Long and Prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific

Sep 20, 2016

Susmita Dasgupta

World Bank

Minimizing Ecological Damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests

Sep 28, 2016

Caglar Ozden

World Bank

The Global Migration of Talent and Tax Incentives: Evidence from Malaysia's Returning Expert Program

Oct 13, 2016

Hwok-Aun Lee,
Muhammed Abdul Khalid

University of Malaya,
Khazanah Research Institute

Is Inequality in Malaysia Really Going Down? A Puzzle Explored

Oct 27, 2016

Norman Loayza

World Bank

Informality in the Process of Development and Growth

Nov 3, 2016

Luis Serv¨¦n

World Bank

Openness, Specialization, and the External Vulnerability of Developing Countries

Nov 17, 2016

Shirly Wong Siew Ling

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Measuring Business Cycle Fluctuations: An Alternative Precursor to Economic Crises

Nov 24, 2016

Mohd Yusof Saari

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Sources of Income Growth and Inequality across Ethnic Groups in Malaysia, 1970-2000

Dec 1, 2016

Julien Labonne

University of Oxford

Incumbent Advantage, Voter Information and Vote Buying

Dec 8, 2016

Yong Wang

Peking University

International Trade and Non-Convergence Trap for Middle-Income Countries

2016 First Half Season 





Feb 4,

Martin Kanz

World Bank

Moral Incentives: Experimental Evidence from Repayments of an Islamic Credit Card

Feb 18, 2016

Hai-Anh H. Dang

World Bank

Welfare Dynamics Based on Synthetic Panels Using Objective and Subjective Data: The Case of the Arab World

Mar 3,

John Giles

World Bank

Migrant Labor Markets and the Welfare of Rural Households in the Developing World: Evidence from China

Mar 17, 2016

Saumik Paul

University of Nottingham

Structural Transformation, Growth Incidence and Inequality

Mar 30,

Govinda Timilsina

World Bank

The Benefits of Regional Electricity Cooperation and Trade: Lessons from South Asia

Apr 7,

Norman Loayza

World Bank

The Local Impact of Mining on Poverty and Inequality

Apr 14, 2016

Dean Jolliffe

World Bank

A Global Headcount of Extreme Poverty: A Review of Data, Assumptions and Methods used by the World Bank to Count Poor People

June 2, 2016

Michael Woolcock

World Bank

Using Cases and Case Studies in Development: Causal Inference, Extrapolation, Diagnostics

Jun 23, 2016

Emily Beam

National University of Singapore 

Fertility Choices and Inter-Ethnic Resource Competition in Malaysia

Jun 30, 2016

Hiau Looi Kee

World Bank

Trade Frauds, Trade Elasticities and Non-Tariff Measures

July 28, 2016

Steven Michael Pennings

World Bank

The Seasonality of Conflict

Note: ¡Þ World Bank ¨C University of Malaya Seminar Series. These joint seminars are hosted alternately by the World Bank and the University of Malaya.