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Tunisia Systematic Country Diagnostic (2015)


Street scene near entrance to the Tunis medina

Arne Hoel l World Bank

Tunisia was often recognized in the period preceding the 2011 revolution as one of the leading performers in the MENA region in terms of economic and human development outcomes. One of the first countries in the region to embark on early structural reforms that contributed to the successful economic performance since mid-1990s, Tunisia saw in parallel significant progress in social and human development indicators. In the two decades prior to 2011, the country benefitted from growth rates1 above the regional average, sustained progress in access to primary education (today almost universal) and health care, and a tremendous reduction in overall poverty incidence, which was halved in the decade between 2000 and 2010.2 As of today, Tunisia remains one of the most progressive countries in MENA in terms of women rights and female emancipation.