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Country Context



Population, million


GDP, current $ billion


GDP per capita, current $


Life Expectancy at Birth, years


Uzbekistan has undertaken extensive reforms in recent years, liberalizing certain economic sectors and enhancing the private sector's prospects.

In 2023, the Government made several key moves, such as (i) establishing an independent energy regulator; (ii) initiating energy tariff reforms, (iii) restructuring the state-owned rail operator; (iv) privatizing a major chemical plant and a bank; and (v) separating the leading chemical state-owned enterprise to foster competition.

Furthermore, the authorities set up the National Agency for Social Protection, enacted new laws to tackle gender-based violence, and broadened the availability of free legal aid to citizens.

Uzbekistan has also embraced a greener development trajectory by setting more ambitious environmental goals, implementing a new pollution control system, and establishing a national green taxonomy. The Government continues to invest in new sources of green energy and takes further measures to enhance efficiency both in the use of electricity and water adapting to climate change.

Given the high rate of population growth and the influx of young people into the job market annually, the country's economic expansion must focus on robust job creation. Continuing the reform agenda is crucial for this, which includes further market liberalization and enhancing competition.

Key strategies involve diminishing the economic influence of state-owned enterprises, fortifying land rights, deregulating the telecommunications sector and the trade of raw materials, and reducing elevated trade costs by improving logistics and connectivity. Additionally, to spur faster job creation and productivity, there is a need for more investment in enhancing the skills of the labor force.


Uzbekistan: Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*

*Amounts include IBRD and IDA commitments



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Country Office Contacts

Tashkent, +998 78 120-2400
107B Amir Temur Street, Block C, 15th floor, 100084, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Contact to enter the translators pool
Almaty, +7 727 377-8220
Central Asia Regional Office: 41A Kazybek bi Street, 4th Floor, 050010, Almaty, Kazakhstan