Social assistance/Social safety net programs are non-contributory transfers in cash or in-kind and are usually targeted at the poor and vulnerable. Some programs are focused on improving chronic poverty or providing equality of opportunity; others more on protecting families from shocks and longstanding losses they can inflict for the unprotected poor. These programs also known as social safety net programs or social welfare, include cash transfers (conditional and unconditional), in-kind transfers, such as school feeding and targeted food assistance, and near cash benefits such as fee waivers and food vouchers. Please refer to the for social assistance categories and sub-categories included in ASPIRE performance indicators.
The provides performance indicators of social assistance programs disaggregated by 8 harmonized program categories (unconditional cash transfers, cash transfers, social pension, food and in kind transfers, school feeding, public works, fee waivers and other social assistance), by rural and urban geographical areas, by quintile of the (pre and post transfer) welfare distribution, and by those living below PPP $2.15 a day. The following dashboards offer a preview of the richness of the ASPIRE database. ASPIRE indicators definitions.