The Ethiopia Socioeconomic Dashboards allow users to access official household survey data at the regional level to analyze socio-economic outcomes across the country in a nuanced way to inform program design and monitoring.
The Socioeconomic Dashboards contain visualizations at the national, regional and urban/rural level within each region. The region-level visualizations provide a comprehensive profile of 62 socioeconomic indicators across nine regions and two city administrations, providing comparable trends of socioeconomic indicators in Ethiopia.
The indicators span topics such as poverty and inequality, access to services, demographics, education, gender, and food security. For each of the indicators within these topics, the dashboards provide information on both the temporal evolution and the spatial distribution of the outcome of interest over the five-year time period between 2010/11 and 2015/16.
The Socioeconomic Dashboards use information available in the two latest rounds of the Ethiopia Household Consumption and Expenditure Surveys (HCES) and Welfare Monitoring Surveys (WMS) of 2010/11 and 2015/16 by the Ethiopia Central Statistics Agency (CSA). The indicators are World Bank staff estimates based on official government data. Though an attempt was made to replicate official government estimates wherever possible, some indicators may have slight discrepancies from official government estimates as a result of applying different definitions and assumptions. All data sources, definitions, and applied assumptions are clearly outlined in the sources and definition sections for each indicator. Further details on definitions and programs outlining how the indicators were constructed are available upon request. For official government estimates, please refer to the .