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Regional Workshop: Impact Evaluation and Measurement of Early Childhood Education in MENA

April 15-19, 2018

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº¡¯s Education for Competitiveness (E4C) initiative and the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund co-organized a workshop in Abu Dhabi that provided training on impact evaluation, including the rationale and intuition behind experimental and quasi-experimental methods, the mechanics of randomization, sample size and statistical power, theory of change, and the interpretation of results. In attendance were government delegations from 10 countries across the MENA region, regional foundations, and development partners, as well as local organizations.

    Funding for organization was received from the World Bank¡¯s Early Learning Partnership trust fund, and the Government of Abu Dhabi generously hosted the workshop. The workshop also benefited from the participation of Her Highness Sheikha Maryam bint Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, His Excellency Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi (Minister of Education of UAE), and Her Excellency Jameela Al Muhairi (Minister of State for Public Education of UAE).

  • Agenda ( | )


    DAY 1: April 15, 2018


    Samira Nikaein (World Bank): Overview of the Workshop and Early Childhood Education in MENA ( | )

    Diane Schanzenbach (Northwestern University): The Research Evidence on the Importance of Early Childhood ( | )

    Alaka Holla (World Bank): Experimental methods ( | )

    Juan Bar¨®n (World Bank): Case Study ( | )

    Alonso S¨¢nchez (World Bank): Quasi-experimental methods ( | )


    DAY 2: April 16, 2018


    Sonya Krutikova (IFS): RCT in Action ( | )

    Lauren Pisani (Save the Children): Case Study ( | )

    Alaka Holla (World Bank): Can we detect an impact? ( | )

    Abbie Raikes (University of Nebraska): Getting measurement right: An Overview 1 ( | )

    Lauren Pisani (Save the Children): Measuring the home environment and early child development outcomes ( | )


    DAY 3: April 17, 2018


    Alaka Holla (World Bank): Sample size and Statistical power ( | )

    Eboni Howard (American Institute for Research): Evaluation design: Identifying problems, potential solutions, and theory of change ( | )

    Diane Early (Child Trends): Interpreting results ( | ) 


    DAY 4: April 18, 2018


    Pamela Jervris (IFS): Costing of ECE ( | )

  • Delegates

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs ¨C Algeria
    Ministry of Education ¨C Egypt
    Education Directorate ¨C Jordan
    Ministry of Education ¨C Lebanon
    Ministry of Education ¨C Morocco
    L'Observatoire National du D¨¦veloppement Humain
    Ministry of Education ¨C Oman
    Ministry of Education ¨C Saudi Arabia
    Ministry of Women and Family Affairs ¨C Tunisia
    Ministry of Education ¨C Tunisia
    Ministry of Education ¨C United Arab Emirates
    Ministry of Education - West Bank & Gaza
    Ministry of Education and Higher Education - West Bank & Gaza

    Principal Investigators, World Bank Staff and, and Speakers

    University of Nebraska, USA
    World Bank, USA
    Child Trends, USA
    Northwestern University, USA
    American Institutes for Research, USA
    Salama Bint Hamdan Al Nahyan Foundation, UAE
    Save the Children, USA
    World Bank, Saudi Arabia
    World Bank, Tunisia
    World Bank, Lebanon
    World Bank, Egypt
    Institute for Fiscal Studies, UK


    Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), USA
    DFID / British Academy, United Kingdom
    Dubai Cares, UAE
    Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia
    Queen Rania Foundation, Jordan
    Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research, UAE
    UNICEF, MENA Regional Office

    UAE Guests

    Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Court
    Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
    NYU Abu Dhabi
    Ministry of Education
    Bidaya Media
    Zayed University
    Emirates College for Advanced Education
    NYU Global TIES for Children
    Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
    Emirates College for Advanced Education
    Higher Colleges of Technology
    Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge
    Higher Colleges of Technology


  • DATE: April 15-19,2018
  • LOCATION: Abu Dhabi