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Oceans for Prosperity: Reforms for a Blue Economy in Indonesia (Report launch)

March 25, 2021

Zoom Webinar



  • Oceans are vital for Indonesia¡¯s economy and welfare. With more than 17,500 islands, 108,000 kilometers of coastline, and three-quarters of its territory at sea, oceans are central to Indonesia¡¯s prosperity.

    Yet there are challenges to the extent and integrity of Indonesia's marine and coastal ecosystems which threatens its economic value, starting from overfishing, degradation of mangroves and coral reefs, and marine debris.

    These challenges can be addressed through a blue economy, or a sustainable ocean economy strategy. A blue economy creates healthy oceans, resilient coastal livelihood, and sustainable economic growth.

    The Oceans for Prosperity report provides a detailed set of policy recommendations to support Indonesia¡¯s transition to a blue economy. These include:

    1. Ensuring a sustainable fisheries future;
    2. Realizing Indonesia¡¯s tourism potential;
    3. Sustainably managing coastal and marine resources; and
    4. Overcoming the scourge of marine plastics.




    09:30 ¨C 09:35

    Opening by host/moderator

    Timothy Marbun

    09:35 ¨C 09:40

    Ocean for Prosperity video


    09:40 ¨C 09:45

    Welcoming remark

    Satu Kahkonen, Country Director for Indonesia and Timor-Leste, World Bank

    09:45 ¨C 09:50

    Welcoming remark

    Rachmat Witoelar, Advisor, ISER Universitas Indonesia

    (Former Minister of Environment, former President¡¯s Special Envoy for Climate Change)

    09:50 ¨C 10:00

    Keynote speech

    Mari Pangestu, World Bank Managing Director of Development Policy and Partnerships

    10:00 ¨C 10:10

    Keynote speech



    Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs

    10:10 ¨C 11:10

    Davos-style discussions, guided by moderator:


    Presentation on the key findings of the Ocean for Prosperity report and Indonesian government strategies to advance sustainable ocean management

    • Dr. Ir. Arifin Rudiyanto, MSc, Deputy Minister of Maritime and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development and Planning (BAPPENAS) 
    • Dr. Ir. Safri Burhanuddin, DEA., Deputy Coordinating Minister for Maritime Resources, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs (CMMIA)
    • Dr. Tb. Haeru Rahayu, A.Pi., M.Sc, Director General for Marine Spatial Planning, Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF)
    • David Kaczan, Environmental Economist, World Bank 
    • Katelijn Van den Berg, Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank 
    • Andr¨¦ Aquino, Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank 
    • Bertine Kamphuis, Senior Private Sector Specialist, World Bank 

    11:10 ¨C 11:15


    Prof Jamaluddin Jompa, Professor in Marine Ecology, Hasanuddin University

    11:15 ¨C 11:40

    Q&A from audience

    Guided by moderator

    11:40 ¨C 11:45

    Closing remarks

    H.E. Lars Bo Larsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Indonesia

    11:45 ¨C 11:50

    Closing remarks

    Bj?rnar dahl Hotvedt, Charge d'Affairs, Royal Norwegian Embassy

    11:50 ¨C 11:55






Event details

  • when: March 25, 2021 at 9:30 AM ¨C 12:00 PM (Jakarta Time)
  • where: Zoom Webinar
  • CONTACT: Ariphoerti Dwi Woerasihingtijas
  • awoerasihingtija@worldbank.org