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At Your Service? The Promise of Services-Led Development

September 15, 2021



Indermit Gill, VP Equitable Growth, Finance, and Institutions (EF), leads a discussion on the evolving role of services in creating jobs and development.

  • Despite policymakers¡¯ focus on manufacturing, services are increasingly driving economic transformation. How can developing economies seize the opportunity of services-led development?

    Join us for the virtual launch of the report "At Your Service? The Promise of Services-Led Development." This book¡¯s findings are encouraging for the World Bank Group¡¯s ¡°better jobs for more people¡± Jobs and Economic Transformation agenda.

    The event will explore the evolving role of the services sector in creating jobs and prosperity across low & middle income countries.

    Introductory Remarks:

    • Indermit Gill, Vice President, Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions (EFI)


    • Gaurav Nayyar, Senior Economist, EFI
    • Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Advisor, EFI
    • Elwyn Davies, Economist, EFI



    • Richard Baldwin, Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva, and Editor-in-Chief, VoxEU
    • Stefan Dercon, Professor of Economic Policy, University of Oxford, and Development Policy Advisor to the Foreign Secretary, UK¡¯s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
    • Caroline Freund, Dean, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California at San Diego

    Moderated by Mona Haddad,  Director, Trade, Investment and Competitiveness, World Bank


  • Location: Webex
  • Date: Wednesday, Sept. 15
  • Time: 10:30 - 11:45am ET