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3rd World Bank Tax Conference: New Tax Instruments

September 30-October 01, 2021

Virtual Format


The 3rd World Bank Tax Conference, co-organized with the , brought together leading researchers and policymakers to discuss recent research on new tax instruments, including, taxes on the digital economy, and health taxes aimed at curbing unhealthful consumption, e.g., of carbonated drinks, and environmental taxes

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for many countries to raise government revenue has become more pressing as they seek to improve fiscal sustainability, while promoting equity and avoiding adversely impacting growth. These policy decisions take place in an environment with increasing temperatures and extreme weather events, and exponentially growing digital economies. Governments are exploring new tax instruments to address negative externalities and finance public goods provision in this fast-changing world.

The conference featured keynote address by Dr. Carolyn Fischer, Research Manager of the Sustainability and Infrastructure Team in the Development Research Group of the World Bank, research presentations and academic discussions, and a special session in which policymakers present on tax policy changes currently under consideration, as well as lessons learned from experiences in designing, developing political support for, and implementing new tax instruments. The 3rd World Bank Tax Conference on New Tax Instruments is supported by the Global Tax Program, the Innovations in Tax Compliance Program, and the .

  • Conference Agenda

    All times are in EDT

    Links to papers, abstracts and presentations are available to download from Dropbox .

    Conference proceedings .

    ???September 30, Day 1


    Welcome & Keynote


    WelcomeMarcello Estev?o? (World Bank)


    Keynote: "Tax-rebate Instruments for Industrial Decarbonization", Dr. Carolyn Fischer (Development Economics Research, World Bank)





    Environmental Taxes? I                                         

    Chair:  Pierre Bachas (World Bank)?


    Paper 1:&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡°What Are Carbon Taxes?¡±

    - Presenter: (University of Michigan)                             

    - Discussant:  (World Bank)


    Paper 2:&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡°Carbon Pricing, Differential Effects and Energy Use?¡± 

    - Presenter:  (CY Cergy Paris University)

    ?- Discussant: ?? ?(World Bank)





    Lightning Talks                  

    Chair: Oyebola Okunogbe (World Bank) ?


    Paper 1

    - Presenter:  (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)


    Paper 2:&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡°Taxing the Sweet Tooth - Evidence on the Role of Substitution in Excess Burden?¡±

    - Presenter:  (Swansea University?)


    Paper 3:  

    - Presenter:  (Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, Uganda??)


    Paper 4:  

    - Presenter:  (University of Illinois at Chicago)





    Health Taxes?        ?                    ??                                                                                   

    Chair:   (World Bank)


    Paper 1

    - Presenter:  (Berkley Haas)

    - Discussant:  (University of Illinois Chicago)??


    Paper 2:&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡°¡± (working paper)

    - Presenter:  (World Bank)             

    - Discussant: Mahvish Ifrah Shaukat? (World Bank)


    October 1, Day 2


    New Tax Instruments in Practice*

    Chair:  (ODI)


    -  (former Chief Director, Economic Tax Analysis, South African National Treasury) - "The Sugar Beverages Tax in South Africa"

    - (Head of Tax Policy Unit, Ministry of Finance, Ghana) - "Taxation of Gambling and Betting in Ghana"

    - (Tutorial Fellow, University of Nairobi) ¨C "Digital Services Taxes across Africa" (with a focus on Kenya)

    - (Professor of Economics, University of Maryland) ¨C "Argentina¡¯s Carbon Tax"


    This session will feature presentations from policymakers and practitioners on tax policy changes currently under consideration, as well as lessons learned from experiences in designing, developing political support for, and implementing new tax instruments. The session aims to generate discussion and foster learning on tax policy, practice, and research.


    *Organized by ?





    Taxation of the Digital Sector       

    Chair:  (World Bank)


    Paper 1:  

    - Presenter:  (University of Kentucky)

    - Discussant:  (World Bank)


    Paper 2:  

    - Presenter: ? (Institute of Development Studies) 

    - Discussant:  (World Bank)





    Environmental Taxes? II                                           

    Chair:  (Institute for Fiscal Studies)


    Paper 1

    - Presenter:  (Duke University)                         

    - Discussant:  (Indiana University)


    Paper 2:&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¡°Carbon Pricing in Low and Middle Income Countries?¡±

    - Presenter: ? (Institute for Fiscal Studies)

    - Discussant: ? (World Bank)????



     (World Bank) and Deon Filmer (World Bank)




    Session Format

    Paper Presentations: 15 minute paper presentation, followed by a 5 minute discussion (with slides) and a 5 minute Q&A.

    Lightning Talks: 8 minute paper presentation, followed by a 2 minute Q&A.?

  • Partners

  • Organizing committee

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