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Impactful Women : Examining Opportunities and Constraints for Women in Mining Organizations Worldwide

March 9, 2022




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  • In every mining region across the globe, there are a multitude of entities primarily focused on progressing the interests of women in mining. At the national level, the most notable interest group is that of Women in Mining (WIM) organizations. Although WIM organizations share a common vision, their objectives and forms vary. WIM organizations generally evolve organically and are structured, managed, and financed in accordance with their membership composition, location, context, and purpose. Regardless of the form, the number of WIM organizations has been steadily increasing over the last decade. Despite their existence in some jurisdictions for several decades now, little information on the inner workings of WIM organizations exists. More widely, the reality of women in mining remains under-studied and often misunderstood. 

    A new report, ¡°¡±, shines a light on the inner-workings of WIM organizations in over two-dozen countries. The findings presented in this report provide governments, donors, international organizations, industry leaders and other stakeholders with a rich dataset to build and leverage capacity building efforts for women-led mining organizations across the globe. On March 9,2022 we will launch this report and host a conversation on the importance of women in mining organizations and their contribution to progressing the interests of women in mining. Join us.

    Recording will be made available after the event.


    This event is part of the World Bank Group¡¯s yearlong Gender Equality and Development +10: Accelerate Equality initiative, which explores the important progress made and lessons learnt over the last 10 years in promoting girl¡¯s & women¡¯s empowerment, women¡¯s leadership, drive for a transformative change toward gender equality, shifting power relations between women and men, and engaging women as agents of change for green, resilient and inclusive development (and for social cohesion, peace & stability in FCV settings). It will also take stock of remaining challenges, while strengthening partnerships with a diverse group of stakeholders in the quest to .

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    Demetrios Papathanasiou

    Opening Speaker

    Dr. Papathanasiou leads more than 100 professionals at the Global Units of the Energy and Extractives Global Practice of the World Bank. He coordinates the overall strategic direction of the Practice, advances the knowledge and learning agenda for the Bank¡¯s energy and extractives professionals, and oversees corporate reporting, trust funds, and partnerships for the Practice. Dr. Papathanasiou has worked for more than 20 years with the World Bank Group on Energy and Infrastructure in Africa, Latin America, East Europe and the Balkans, South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific Islands. He has contributed to developing energy policies in several countries and worked on power generation projects using many diverse technologies: thermal, hydropower, solar, wind, and geothermal. He has led large teams on complex utility and sector reforms, as well as sizeable public-private partnership transactions. As the Manager for the World Bank¡¯s Energy Practice in South Asia (2016-2020), he was responsible for a portfolio of more than $10 billion and worked to increase renewable energy projects in the region, expand regional interconnections and exchanges, and modernize networks across the region. A professional Electrical Engineer, Dr. Papathanasiou holds an MSc in Environmental Technology and a PhD in Energy and the Environment from Imperial College in London, UK.


    Hana Brixi

    Opening speaker

    As Global Director for Gender, Hana Brixi leads a global effort to promote gender equality and women¡¯s empowerment. She sets the overall direction for the World Bank Group¡¯s Gender knowledge agenda, drives Bank-wide efforts for results in closing gender gaps, and fosters partnerships with public and private sector stakeholders toward innovations at scale. In her career, Ms. Brixi has contributed to advances in human development, public finance, and governance. As Manager of the Human Capital Project, she led a global effort to protect and invest in people with an emphasis on girls and women empowerment. Prior to this, she held managerial and leadership positions in the Social Protection & Jobs and Governance Global Practices and in the Middle East & North Africa, East Asia & Pacific, and Europe & Central Asia regions. Based in China during 2001-10, she also served as World Health Organization¡¯s Manager and UNICEF Chief in China. Ms. Brixi has published articles in professional journals and written several books on economic development, including Trust, Voice and Incentives on service delivery and Government at Risk on fiscal management.


    Rachel Perks


    Dr. Rachel Perks is a senior mining specialist in the Energy and Extractives Global Practice at the World Bank. Rachel joined the World Bank¡¯s Extractives unit in 2012 after over a decade of working and living in sub- Saharan Africa. Most of her work experience prior to joining the World Bank was in the mitigation of conflicts over natural resources ¨CSudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Uganda. She worked exclusively on preventing violent escalations of conflict between large scale mining companies and artisanal miners during her tenure in the DRC. Since joining the World Bank, Rachel¡¯s work areas have expanded to include responsibilities on the portfolio concerning gender and co-leading the global initiative on Support to Energy Transition in Coal regions. She is currently managing two lending operations on ASM formalization: Niger and Central African Republic. She is also leading the work on Delve, the data initiative to improve understandings of ASM¡¯s contribution to the SDGs. She holds a PhD from Reading University, United Kingdom, and is on the editorial board of the Extractive Industries and Society journal.


    Barbara Dischinger


    Barbara Dischinger is passionate about the advancement & promotion of women. She set up Women in Mining UK in April 2006 and International Women in Mining in November 2007. Barbara worked in executive search for 15 years of which 9 years in mining prior to joining the WISE Campaign (Women in Science and Engineering) in 2015 to advance her knowledge of Diversity & Inclusion, role she held for 4 years. She sat on the steering committee of Women in Rail in the UK from 2015 to 2020. Since January 2019 she divides her time between the international mentoring programme (IWRMP) she helped develop and delivering IWiM¡¯s growth strategy.


    Yannic Kiewitt


    Yannic Kiewitt is a Senior Policy Officer for raw materials at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Since 2020 he represents Germany on the Governing Board of the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals (EPRM). Yannic has a background in international relations, conflict studies and human rights.


    Nolitha Fakude


    Nolitha Fakude is the Chairperson of Anglo American¡¯s Management Board in South Africa as well as the Group Director responsible for South Africa on Anglo American plc¡¯s Group Management Committee (GMC). Nolitha has recently joined the Anglo-American Platinum Board as a Non-Executive Director and previously served on the Board of Anglo American plc from 2017 to 2019. She has worked in and held senior executive positions in various industries and sectors including Retail, Financial Services, Mining and Oil and Gas. Until 2016, Fakude served as an Executive Director at Sasol Limited and Executive Vice President (EVP) of Strategy and Sustainability. Nolitha was the President of the Black Management Forum (BMF) from 2003 to 2006 and its Managing Director between 2000 and 2003. She now serves as a member of the Council of Elders and is a respected authority on transformation and empowerment in South Africa. Current Nolitha serves as the President of the Minerals Council of South Africa (MINCOSA), Non-Executive Director of the JSE Limited, Discovery Bank Holdings and International Woman¡¯s Forum South Africa (IWFSA). She is a Patron of Guild Cottage home for girls. Her previous board roles include serving as Deputy Chair and Lead Independent Director of Datacentrix Holdings Limited, Chairperson of Sasol Mining and as a Non-Executive Director of Harmony Gold Mines and Woolworths Holdings, amongst others. Her accolades include: The 2004 Most Influential Businesswoman by Financial Mail, Impala Platinum Young Entrepreneur Award and the National Honor by the Golden Key Society of the University of Johannesburg. Nolitha is an author of a book titled, ¡°Boardroom Dancing ¨C Transformation stories from a Corporate Activist¡±, published in 2019. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Psychology from the University of Fort Hare and completed the Senior Executive Programme at Harvard Business School in the United States.


    Petro du Pisani


    Petro du Pisani is Head of Business Improvement at Anglo American Platinum and the current chairperson for Women in Mining South Africa (WiMSA). Before joining Anglo American Platinum, she was Head of Business Improvement Projects at Anglo American (Technical & Sustainability) where she supported the implementation of Anglo American¡¯s Operating Model and various strategic business improvement initiatives across Anglo American Platinum, Coal South Africa, Kumba Iron Ore and De Beers Canada. Petro has worked in the mining industry for over 25 years. She was a Gencor bursar and as a graduate worked across the world as an exploration geophysicist. Petro has worked as a geoscience consultant, geophysics researcher and has for the past 15 years at Anglo American transitioned from a technical role as a geoscientist to a Business Improvement professional. In 2018/9 she formed part of the Anglo American CEO¡¯s Elimination of Fatalities task force. Petro holds BSc and Honours degrees in Mathematics and Exploration Geophysics, and an MSc in Earth Science Management from the University of Pretoria. She is currently awaiting the results of her executive MBA through the University of Cape Town.


    Ana Laura Mu?oz Enriquez


    Ana Laura Mu?oz Enriquez specializes in Project management, quality and customer service. She graduated from Tecnologico de Monterrey with a Bachelor?s Degree in Industrial Engineering. She has Diplomas in Quality and Project Management from the same institution and in Managerial Skills from the ITAM. In 2017 she finished the Management Development Program from the IPADE Business School. Ana has been working with the mining sector since 2008 in supply chain and organizational systems implementation. She has more than ten years of experience in product sales and site maintenance contracts for conveyor belt and rubber lining services. In 2018 Ana Luara set up her own company which supplies lab equipment and ductile iron pipe solutions to mining companies. During 2018, she also joined the committee of Mujeres WIM de M¨¦xico as the Secretary General.


    Sven Renner

    Closing Speaker

    Sven is manager of the World Bank¡¯s Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS) Multi-Donor Trust Fund. He has 25 years of global experience in Extractive Industries with a focus on Latin America and Africa. Prior to the current position, he was responsible for the Federal Cooperation Policy in raw materials and led the German Government funded Extractives and Development Program. Between 2001 and 2009, he managed the Santiago based bureau of the Chilean-German Cooperation in the mining sector, prior to that he held a similar position in Bolivia. He initiated his career as an exploration geologist in the Pijiguaos bauxite deposit in Venezuela. Sven is a geologist by training, holds a PhD from the T¨¹bingen University and is honorary lecturer at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law (CEPMLP), University of Dundee.

Event Details

  • When: March 9, 2022
  • Time: 8:30 - 10:00 AM EST
  • Where: Via Zoom
  • Contact: wbextractives@worldbank.org