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PROBLUE Global Engagement Forum

June 6, 2024
Invitation only | In-person encouraged (livestreamed)

Photo credit: Shutterstock.com

Sharing knowledge and expertise from a broad range of stakeholders is a crucial element of implementing a blue-economy approach. In this spirit, the PROBLUE Global Engagement Forum has been established to convene a wide range of stakeholders on blue-economy priority issues - to help build relationships and identify opportunities for collaborative and coordinated interventions in countries.

The second PROBLUE Engagement Forum will convene on Thursday, June 6th under the theme ¡°Enhancing Biodiversity within the Blue Economy.¡± It will occur on the margins of the High-Level Event on Ocean Action, to be held on June 7 - 8, 2024 in San Jose, Costa Rica.


Administered by the World Bank, PROBLUE is a multi-donor trust fund that supports the sustainable and integrated development of marine and coastal resources in healthy oceans.