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2024 Global Parliamentary Forum - Multilateralism: Achievements, challenges and the way forward

October 21-22, 2024
Washington, DC
Global Parliamentary Forum: Multilateralism: Achievements, challenges and the way forward

The 2024 Global Parliamentary Forum (GPF), co-organized by the World Bank Group (WBG), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the (PN), will take place on October 21-22, during the 2024 Annual Meetings in Washington DC.

The bi-annual Forum is a unique occasion for legislators to engage in a direct dialogue with leadership from the WBG and IMF, and share experiences among themselves.

This October¡¯s event, themed ¡°Multilateralism: Achievements, challenges and the way forward¡± will focus on how the WBG and IMF can continue helping countries deliver development results in the face of persistent interconnected crises and global headwinds; and the role parliamentarians can play as important stakeholders in achieving these critical results. Themes will include: 80 years of Bretton Woods and the Challenges Ahead; Poverty, Prosperity and a Livable Planet; Multilateral Solutions to Conflicts in Today¡¯s World; the gender strategies of the World Bank Group and IMF; and a special session on Africa. The second day will also feature regional meetings with updates for parliamentarians on trends, challenges and interventions being implemented to improve the lives and livelihoods of the people in client countries.

Parliamentarians are invited to for the GPF by October 11.