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BRIEFFebruary 3, 2023

Quality Early Learning


To see a full list of related work please see the Quality Early Learning page.


  • Quality Early Learning: Nurturing Children¡¯s Potential [PDF] (May 2022): provides the latest evidence on how young children learn most effectively and how ECE programs can foster children¡¯s natural ability and motivation to learn. It offers guidance for policy makers on policy design and implementation including what elements of ECE to prioritize in resource- and capacity-constrained settings in LMICs. View each chapter¡¯s brief here
  • [PDF] (March 2022): shares the basic science of child development and explains how children develop schools and how to foster early stimulation and learning, along with a range of interventions to support families with young learners.
  • [PDF] (July 2021): presents compelling evidence for policymakers to take urgent action to protect their early childhood development systems based on a survey from 26 countries.
  • [PDF] (June 2021): examines the evidence of pre-primary investments from 55 (quasi-) experimental studies, suggesting spending increases would help improve the efficiency of early childhood interventions - particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • [PDF] (February 2021): seeks to understand the factors facilitating or impeding efforts to make early childhood education a government priority while drawing on a cross-country analysis. 
  • [PDF] (September 2018): investigates the relationship between ECE participation and several long-term outcomes such as: post-ECE educational attainment, cognitive and socio-emotional skill development and labor market outcomes.


  • (September 27, 2022)
  • (September 21, 2022)
  • (May 25, 2022)
  • (May 3, 2022)
  • (June 22, 2021)
  • (April 16, 2020)
  • (April 10, 2019)

Guidance Notes

  • [PDF] (September 2020): As countries make decisions to reopen schools, there are unique considerations related to opening early childhood education (ECE) settings with holistic approaches to nurturing care and learning for young children. 
  • [PDF] (April 2020): Young children need comprehensive nurturing care which includes good health, adequate nutrition, early learning opportunities, responsive caregiving, and safety and security. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº¡¯s Investing in the Early Years framework lays out three pillars to ensure children reach their full potential.
  • [PDF] (March 2017): This guide serves as a resource for policy makers and development professionals interested in improving access to high-quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) services. It brings together a selection of approaches to ECD that have been implemented with promising results in low- or middle-income countries (or both).
  • [PDF] (August 2016): This brief provides basic information on measuring the quality of early learning programs using a range of tools and approaches.
  • [PDF] (February 2015): This toolkit is a user-friendly guide for program managers interested in developing high quality technology-enhanced early childhood programming, particularly in challenging, low-resource contexts. See Interactive Audio Instruction Pilot in Democratic Republic of Congo: Video as an example.

Country Case Studies

  • ELP Impact in Pakistan [PDF] (February 2017): Expanding quality preschool and engaging families: This infographic provides a visual summary of how ELP investment to prepare a new Early Childhood Education Project in Pakistan yields significant results in expanding quality preschool. ?
  • [PDF] (September 2016): This brief summarizes the findings of a recent study of the cost of preschool in Kenya, the financing gaps that remain, and possible policy options to achieve cost savings to help Kenya¡¯s counties meet the goal of expanding quality ECDE service provision.