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Documents for the 2nd Post-2011 ICP RCA Meeting (May 27-29, 2015)

Session I Recap and update on post-2011 activities

Brief update on post-2011 activities at the regional level (regional progress reports)

  • Asia (Asian Development Bank)
  • Latin America (UN-ECLAC)

Brief discussion on the outcomes of the UNSC session on the ICP evaluation

Session II Maximizing synergies in regional and global post-2011 activities

Session III Global Core List survey materials for regional PPP updates

Session IV Expenditures and price deflators

  • Review of expenditure classification
  • Consumer price indices () ()
  • Analysis of expenditure gaps and inconsistencies from ICP 2011

Session V Discussions on the future

  • Improving the uses of ICP data for policy-making and research with a focus on national uses of PPPs

Session VI PPP applications

Session VII Way forward