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Documents for the 3rd Post-2011 ICP RCA Meeting (October 28-30, 2015)

Session I Interim regional PPP updates

Brief update on post-2011 activities at the regional level

  • Africa (African Development Bank)
  • Asia (Asian Development Bank)
  • Latin America (UN-ECLAC) 
  • Western Asia (UN-ESCWA)
  • Eurostat-OECD PPP program

National accounts and price deflator

Abridged expenditure classification for the future

Session II Interim technical agenda

Setting up an interim technical agenda

Linking interim regional PPP updates and filling ¡°gaps¡± in regional and global

Productivity issues

Industry-based PPPs

PPP extrapolation

Alternative sources of price data

Sub-national PPPsL Case studies

Poverty PPPs

Next Steps

Session III Discussions on the future


Background Papers

Session I

Session II