ICP 2021
ICP 2021 Global Report:
Results from the 2021 cycle include data for the reference year 2021, revised data for the reference year 2017, purchasing power parity (PPP) time series for 2018 to 2020, and extrapolated GDP PPPs for 2022 and 2023. Imputed results are available for an additional 19 economies that did not participate in the ICP 2021 cycle.
ICP 2021 regional results reports / articles:
- Africa ()
- Asia and the Pacific ( | )
- Commonwealth of Independent States ()
- Eurostat ()
- Latin America and the Caribbean ( | )
- OECD ()
- Western Asia ()
ICP 2017
ICP 2017 Global Report:
ICP 2017 regional results reports / release notes:
- Africa ()
- Asia and the Pacific ( | | )
- Commonwealth of Independent States ( | )
- Eurostat ( )
- Latin America and the Caribbean ( | | )
- OECD ( )
- Western Asia ( | | | )
ICP 2011
ICP 2011 Global Report:
ICP 2011 Purchasing Power Parities and the Real Size of World Economies ( | | )
ICP 2011 Summary Report:
ICP 2011 regional results reports:
| | | | | |
Interim (between 2005 and 2011) regional results reports:
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ICP 2005
ICP 2005 Global Report:
ICP 2005 Preliminary Report:
ICP 2005 regional results reports:
| |
ICP 1993 and prior
ICP 1993 Global Report:
The report presents, in a uniform format, data on GDP expenditure details in national and international currency terms, and purchasing power of currency rates generated for 87 countries surveyed over 1970-1990. The report includes data tables: 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1990 with the estiamtion of expenditure details in national currencies for 55 countries for which ICP survey data were not available.
Reports from prior exercises:
World: Comparisons of Real GDP and Purchasing Power, 1985 (available on the )
This publication makes available internationally comparable estimates of real GDP and its expenditure components of phase V of the ICP with the reference year 1985.
, 1982 (by Irving Kravis, Alan Heston, and Robert Summers)
This volume reports on the third phase of the ICP under the auspices of the United Nations. The main results provide comparisons of real GDP per capita for thirty-four countries in 1975. Quantity and price comparisons are given also for personal consumption, capital formation, and public consumption and further subdivisions of final expenditures on GDP are estimated.
, 1978 (by Irving Kravis, Alan Heston, and Robert Summers)
This Phase II report presented results for sixteen countries, including the original ten, for 1970 and 1973.
, 1975 (by Irving Kravis, Zoltan Kenessey, Alan Heston, and Robert Summers)
This Phase I report set out the methodology and gave 1967 results for six countries and 1970 comparisons for ten countries.
ICP 1993 or prior regional results reports:
| OECD (, )