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ICP: Technical Advisory Group Meeting (May 17-19, 2021)


Day 1

1.01 ICP 2017 results dissemination and ICP 2021 launch


1.02 Analysis of ICP 2017 results

- GDP, Wellbeing, and Health: Thoughts on the 2017 Round of the International Comparison Program

- Understanding the World Economy: Insights from ICP 2017 



1.03 Uses and applications of ICP data and PPPs

- Food Prices for Nutrition



Day 2

2.01: ICP Research Agenda Item 01: Compilation of PPP Time Series

- Calculating annual PPPs beyond the benchmark year

- ICP PPP Time Series Implementation


2.02: ICP Research Agenda Item 05: Quality and Reliability of PPPs

- Inconsistency between benchmarks


- Constructing measures of reliability for PPPs using stochastic approach 

- The Gerschenkron effect in ICP 2011 and ICP 2017 

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2.03: ICP Research Agenda Item 07: CPI-ICP Synergies and Subnational PPPs

- CPI-ICP integration


- Subnational PPPs

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Day 3

3.01: ICP Research Agenda Item 11ICP PPPs and Global Poverty Measurement

- Use of revised ICP 2011 and 2017 PPPs in global poverty measurement


3.02: Updates from the System of National Accounts Research Agenda

- Wellbeing, sustainability and distributional analysis
