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ICP: Technical Advisory Group Meeting (November 6 - 7, 2023)


     Day 1

I. Update on the ICP 2021 cycle  

II. ICP Research Agenda (1st session)

Item 02: PPPs and Real Expenditures for Dwelling Services in Asia

III. Preliminary ICP 2021 cycle results

Preliminary 2021 results

Approach to produce revised 2017 results


    Day 2

III. Preliminary ICP 2021 cycle results (Cont'd)

Approach to produce 2017 - 2021 PPP timeseries 

Approach to produce ICP 2021 cycle non-benchmark country estimates

Plans for the ICP 2021 cycle release

IV. ICP Research Agenda (2nd session)

Item 04: Fine Tuning Global Linking Procedures

Item 01: Compilation of PPP timeseries

V. New Uses and Applications of ICP PPPs and Data

Update on using PPPs in World Bank income classifications

Any Other Business

COICOP 2018 and the ICP classification