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Documents for the 1st meeting of the Task Force on PPP Compilation and Computation (October 26, 2017)

Background and TORs

  • Terms of Reference for the Task Force


  • Availability of interim data and extrapolation indices


Building PPP time series for the interim period

  • A move towards the compilation of PPPs and real expenditures on an annual basis, Prasada Rao and Robert Inklaar


Linking interim regional updates into a global comparison

  • Options for linking interim regional updates into a global comparison, Sergey Sergeev


  • Options for linking interim regional updates into a global comparison, Yuri Dikhanov


Fine tuning global linking procedures

  • Overall linking approach and exceptions in ICP 2011, Yuri Dikhanov


  • Linking health and construction in ICP 2011 and proposed approach for ICP 2017 cycle, Paulus Konijn


  • Linking education in ICP 2011 and proposed approach for ICP 2017 cycle, Francette Koechlin


  • A least-squares approach to imposing within-region fixity in the ICP and Spatial Chaining of Price Indexes, Robert Hill

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Productivity adjustment for government and construction sectors

  • Compilation of productivity adjustment factors, Robert Inklaar


  • Application of productivity adjustment factors in the ICP 2011 linking procedures, Yuri Dikhanov