Session 01: Introductory remarks
- Task Force task list and meeting objectives, Erwin Diewert and Marko Rissanen
Session 02: Availability of interim data and extrapolation indices
- Status and way forward
Session 03: Linking interim regional updates into a global comparison
- Updates on Asia¡¯s interim regional update and treatment of non-participating countries, Kaushal Joshi
- Updates on Western Asia¡¯s interim regional updates and treatment of non-participating countries, Majed Skaini
- Updates on Africa¡¯s 2015/2016 data, Fessou Lawson
- Linking specific headings for Eurostat-OECD countries for interim years, Eurostat and OECD, Paulus Konijn and Francette Koechlin
Session 04: Productivity adjustment for government
- Options for updating and applying productivity adjustment factors for interim years and 2017 cycle, Robert Inklaar
Session 05: Building PPP time series for the interim period
- Update of paper ¡°A move towards the compilation of PPPs and real expenditures on an annual basis", Prasada Rao and Robert Inklaar
- Options for determining optimal extrapolation level and indices, Yuri Dikhanov and Sergey Sergeev
- Options for producing ¡°smoothened¡± PPP time-series for the years between reference year comparisons, Prasada Rao and Robert Inklaar
Session 06: Alternative options for linking regions at basic heading level, Robert Hill
Session 07: Conclusions and recommendations