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Development Data Group

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The Development Data Group at a Glance

Data powers development

Data powers development. By unlocking the full value of data for development, the Development Data Group helps achieve the World Bank's mission to create a world free from poverty on a livable planet.

Through leading data public goods, cutting-edge innovations and research, pioneering partnerships, and globally trusted technical expertise, we lead efforts to ensure development data is of high quality, accessible, and widely used across the world.

To improve lives and safeguard the planet, we are dedicated to realizing the ¡¯ new global vision on data.


  • Haishan Fu
    Haishan Fu

    World Bank Chief Statistician and Director of Development Data Group


What's New

  • two IDR books on a blue background

    IDR 2024 offers an analysis of end-2023 debt flows and stock position, the macroeconomic and debt outlook for 2024 and beyond, and updates on the debt transparency agenda.

  • Country income classifications update for FY25 world map

    ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group¡¯s new country income classifications show seven of the eight countries changing income categories this year moved upward.

  • ICP 2021 data release banner

    International Comparison Program 2021 data release

    The latest economic indicators from the International Comparison Program shed light on the state of the global economy and living standards across the world in 2021.

  • The Development Data Group focuses on the fundamentals of development data, such as censuses and surveys.
    We focus on both the fundamentals of development data...
  • The Development Data Group also pushes the frontier of development data: innovative data sources and technologies.
    ...and its frontier: innovative data sources and technologies.
  • The Development Data Group uses, shares, and integrates data from various sources.
    We use, share, and integrate data from various sources...
  • The Development Data Group uses data, like agricultural data, to improve lives and livelihoods, and safeguard the planet.
    ...to improve lives and livelihoods, and safeguard the planet.
  • The Development Data Group addresses development challenges, such as food insecurity, with evidence.
    We address development challenges with evidence...
  • The Development Data Group works to enable data-driven decision-making globally.
    ...and work to enable data-driven decision-making globally.
  • The Development Data Group uses data to power development.
    We use data to power development.


  • The Open Data Portal makes all the World Bank's open data resources easy to find, download, and use.
    Data Portal

    ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº¡¯s single catalog listing of all open data resources, including more than 4,000 datasets and 20,000 indicators, encompassing microdata, time series statistics, and geospatial data.

  • ATLAS of Sustainable Development Goals 2023

    The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals is a visual resource presenting interactive storytelling and data visualizations about progress towards the 17 SDGs.

  • Data Blog logo

    The Data Blog creates an online dialogue for development issues, recent trends, and data on topics ranging from satellite measurements, and survey analysis to fertility rates, migration, and energy.

  • Data Catalog logo
    Data Portal

    The Data Catalog is the World Bank¡¯s official one-stop shop for the latest development data. Making high-impact data easy to access and use helps us deliver better results and improve life for the poorest.

  • DDP logo

    A partnership between international organizations and companies, created to facilitate the use of third-party data in research and international development.

  • Food Prices for Nutrition logo with people
    Data Portal

    Food Prices for Nutrition DataHub

    The Food Prices for Nutrition DataHub provides access to global statistics on the cost and affordability of healthy diets and related indicators.

  • Blue globe with data image with Global Data Facility logo
    Umbrella Trust Fund

    Global Data Facility

    ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº-hosted Global Data Facility, which forms part of a new data financing architecture, is an innovative global funding instrument for the world's most critical data impact opportunities.

  • ICP logo
    Statistical Initiative

    International Comparison Program

    A worldwide statistical initiative to collect comparative price data and detailed GDP expenditures to produce purchasing power parities for the world's economies.

  • ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº
    Household Survey Program

    Living Standards Measurement Study

    The Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) is the World Bank's flagship household survey program focused on strengthening household survey systems.

  • Microdata Library logo
    Data Portal

    The Microdata Library shares data collected by the World Bank and other international, regional and national organizations through sample surveys of households, business establishments, or other facilities.

  • Statistical Performance Indicators logo
    Data Portal

    Statistical Performance Indicators

    The Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI) provide an open-source framework for assessing the performance of statistical systems and the efforts to improve them.

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