
Reimbursable Advisory Services in Russia

Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) are programs offered by the World Bank to its clients in middle and high-income countries. Unlike lending products, RAS is an instrument developed to deliver advisory services to eligible clients requiring services that cannot be fully funded from the Bank¡¯s country program.

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group, Russia Country Office 2017


What are reimbursable advisory services (RAS)?

RAS bring global knowledge and connections to customized advisory services, including analytical work, capacity building and project-related services.

Since 2007, the World Bank has fulfilled globally 800+ requests for RAS in numerous sectors. Over 40 Russian regions currently partner with the World Bank. 94% of clients who used the RAS service would use it again, thanks to the unique combination.

What support can our global experts offer?

A team of internationally recognized experts work closely with the client to ensure the work is appropriate to the local context and meets the client¡¯s goals and requirements. These customized packages take many forms, including:

  • Analytics and Diagnostics
  • Impact Evaluation
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Policy Advice
  • Training
  • Program Implementation

Who is eligible to benefit?

  • Governments
  • Subnational governments
  • Multilateral Institutions
  • NGOs
  • State-owned enterprises
  • Non-for-profit Private Associations

The RAS portfolio in Russia

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº¡¯s RAS activities have benefited more than 50 of Russia¡¯s regions over the last 10 years.

Since 2007, the World Bank has entered into RAS agreements with federal and regional authorities in a wide range of areas that are well aligned with Russia¡¯s development challenges.

One of the areas of early demand for advisory services was in support of a large-scale project to expand the St. Petersburg Pulkovo airport through a public-private partnership. Pulkovo attracted more than €1.2 billion in private investments and was awarded the title of ?Global PPP Deal of the Year? by Infrastructure Investors in 2011.

As international knowledge and experience are critical success factors in many fields (including such traditionally ?domestic? domains as education, health, and social protection), the World Bank and its advisory services have built their lead in global knowledge provision. During the past two years, demand has been especially strong for advisory services to improve the investment climate, sharpen economic policy, improve health and education systems, and empower local initiatives.

Providing global expertise to Russia

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group's Global Practices bring together knowledge and expertise in the sectors vital to economic and social development at the national and subnational levels. Their goal is to solve the toughest global and local development challenges¡ªbuilding an enabling environment for business, strong financial systems, efficient public administration, effective systems of higher education, and a modern responsive healthcare system.

The Global Practices are distinguished by their ability to access global expertise and deploy it at all levels, and to bring together experts of diverse backgrounds in a single team to work with clients on multisectoral challenges.


Energy and Extractives

In energy, the practice focuses on infrastructure, efficiency, access to off-grid power, and generation of power from renewable sources. In the extractive industries, the salient issues are attracting and managing responsible investments, mitigating and adapting to climate change, enhancing local input in resource exploitation, developing resource corridors, and protecting biodiversity.

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Environment and Natural Resources

With access to unmatched economy-wide knowledge and expertise, the practice assists governments and the societies they represent in maximizing the sustainable use of natural capital for inclusive, green growth while minimizing pollution of air, water, and soil. Expertise in natural-capital accounting is an essential component of that enterprise. 

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Transport and ICT

The practice¡¯s role in the transport and ICT sectors is to promote policies, institutions, and investments that will meet the burgeoning demand for electronic connectivity (data and voice; wired and wireless) and support modes of transportation (of people and goods) that are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. Areas of emphasis include innovative financing (such as public-private partnerships), intelligent transport, digital services, IT-based industry, and speedier transfer of technology.

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Citizens¡¯ demands for more and better services has led governments to look for more efficient ways to use resources. Specific lines of the practice¡¯s work include revenue administration (tax and customs), performance budgeting and management, transparent government, and citizen oversight. Grouped within the practice are experts in public sector management, governance and anti-corruption, procurement, financial management, social accountability, and judicial reform.

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Finance and Markets

The practice works to promote financial stability and to develop diversified, efficient, and inclusive financial systems by addressing the most pressing financial sector challenges, such as developing a sound financial infrastructure and regulatory framework, establishing local capital markets, promoting private sector development, and expanding access to financial services for individuals and small businesses. The practice provides analytical and advisory services to promote financing for infrastructure, housing, and small and medium-size enterprises.

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Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management

The practice delivers policy advice, analytical tools, and training on (i) macro-fiscal frameworks aligned with the goals of reducing extreme poverty and boosting sharing prosperity; (ii) sustainable fiscal and debt policies and efficient, effective government spending; (iii) growth analytics and policies to start, sustain, and boost growth; and (iv) the impact of trade, global crises, and other developments on growth and the government¡¯s fiscal position. 

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The practice helps countries diagnose the causes of poverty and map out paths to shared prosperity. Often in tandem with other global practices, it supports World Bank Group teams in conducting policy analytics and in enhancing the poverty- and equityrelated effect of policies and investments supported by World Bank lending. The practice also builds the capacity of countries to measure poverty and monitor the welfare outcomes of policies. Finally, it tracks regional and global poverty and progress toward promoting shared prosperity. 

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Trade and Competitiveness

The practice analyzes domestic markets and their connections to global markets, identifying factors that encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, trade, and the growth of firms. It provides policy advice, diagnostics, and implementation support in the areas of (i) competitiveness, trade, and integration; (ii) productivity and ?spatial growth solutions? (growth poles and corridors); (iii) innovation and entrepreneurship (particularly for women and youth); and (iv) regulation, public-private dialogue, and the business climate.

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The practice helps client countries provide basic education of high-quality for all children and youth, beginning in early childhood. It also supports education for the knowledge economy through analytical work, collection and curation of evidence, and the design and implementation of learning programs.

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Health, Nutrition, and Population

The Practice provides financing, state-of-the-art analysis, and policy advice to help countries expand access to good, affordable health care. It also prioritizes protecting people from falling into poverty or becoming poorer due to illness and it promotes investments in all sectors that form the foundation of healthy societies. 

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Social Protection and Labor

Three long-established globally renowned practice areas of the social protection and labor group are (i) social safety nets and social assistance; (ii) pensions and social insurance (contributory social programs and social security); and (iii) labor-market programs and regulation (training and skills, wage subsidies, apprenticeship, intermediation). Youth employment is an emerging focus of the third practice. A cross-cutting practice group on social protection and labor systems emphasizes ?delivery systems? such as identification, eligibility/targeting, payments, governance, and monitoring and evaluation. 

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RAS Projects in Russia

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Office in Russia
36/1 Bolshaya Molchanovka st.,
121069, Moscow, Russia
T: +7 (495) 745-7000
E: rasrussia@worldbank.org