
Civil Society Policy Forum
October 4-7, 2016IMF / World Bank 2016 Annual Meetings

Full schedule

Subject to change

Download the full schedule or browse through the days by clicking on the tabs above. The schedule is still being finalized and is subject to change.

The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) has become an integral part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Spring and Annual Meetings, providing an open space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank Group and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of topics.

The CSPF will convene in Washington DC from Tuesday, October 4 to Friday, October 7, 2016. The program will include an orientation session on the World Bank Group; a roundtable with World Bank Group Executive Directors; a Town Hall meeting with World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde;  a CSO reception with senior management of both institutions; and about 40, mainly CSO-organized, policy dialogue sessions that reflect the diversity of CSO policy concerns.

These sessions will be selected from submissions sent to us during a call for proposals that ran from July 11 to August 19. The sessions will be open to all participants who have registered for the 2016 Annual Meetings.

CSO registration for the Annual Meetings and the CSPF is now CLOSED.

Please note that the IMF and the World Bank are in the process of modernizing and updating processes for the Policy Forum ¨C see  for the latest updates.

If you have any questions about the CSPF or regarding Civil Society Participation in the 2016 Annual Meetings, please e-mail us at: civilsociety@worldbank.org (World Bank) or NGOliaison@IMF.org (IMF).

Sessions will take place in the Civil Society Space of the Annual Meetings (World Bank Group, Second floor, I Building, 1850 I St. N.W., Washington DC) and are open to all participants who have been accredited to the 2016 Annual Meetings. A few sessions will take place in the IMF HQ2 and the World Bank's Main Campus (MC). 

Day 1 - Tuesday, October 4th 2016

8:30 am - 12:30 pm I2-220
Orientation Session
12:15 - 1:15 pm  I-12-420
Lunch session: Get to know CAO

Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) - World Bank Group
12:45 ¨C 1:45 pm I2-220
Lunch session: EDs Roundtable Prep Session with Moderator

1:30 - 3:00 pm

Unlocking the potential of green bonds through effective, credible, widely-accepted and fully developed standards
WWF & Climate Bonds
The Trillion Dollar Challenge: A New Business Model to Finance the SDGs
New America
Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Nutrition: How Civil Society Can Take Action and Keep Governments Accountable
ACF & Action
Coffee break
3:30 - 5:00 pm I2-210
Delivering on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs: What Kind of Energy Investment Would It Take?
Christian Aid; Oil Change International & Vasudha Foundation
Innovation and Livelihood Opportunities for Refugees
Center for Global Development & Global Innovation Fund
Behind the Profiles: What Can We Do to Prevent Radicalization?
Boy with a Ball Global, Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics Trust, Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, Finn Church Aid & International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)
5:30 - 6:30 pm MC 13-121
Executive Directors Roundtable

World Bank Group 
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Day 2 - Wednesday, October 5th 2016

 9:00 - 10:30 am I2-220
(MIC) Trap ¨C Challenges That the Middle Income Country Definition Brings to International Assistance for Public Health
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Citizen Engagement with the World Bank: A panel at the World Bank Annual Meetings
Bank Information Center (BIC) & Cordaid
Coffee Break
 11:00 am - 12:30 pm I2-210
Financing & Delivering Education for the World's Refugees
Save the Children UK
Safeguarding Climate Finance: GCF, MDBs, Rights, and Social/Environmental Risk
Friends of the Earth & Bretton Woods Project
Managing Global Financial Risks in Uncertain Times

Overseas Development Institute & Standard Chartered
12:30 ¨C 1:30 pm I2-220 
Lunch session: CSO Town Hall Prep with Moderator
 1:30 - 3:00 pm I2-210
Putting Politics to Work for Accountability
National Democratic Institute
Examining the IFC¡¯s Climate and Forest Footprint in its Financial Sector Investments
Inclusive Development International
Coffee Break
 3:30 - 5:00 pm I2-210
The Role of the Private Sector in Addressing the Challenge of Corruption in the Developing World
Christian Partners Development Agency
The SDG16 Data Initiative
Applying Fundamental Labor Rights in Global Cotton Supply Chains

Cotton Campaign
5:30 ¨C 6:30 pm MC 13-121
CSO Town Hall
6:30 - 7:30 pm MC Atrium
CSO Reception
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Day 3 - Thursday, October 6th 2016

 9:00 - 10:30 am I2-210
Women¡¯s Leadership in Development in Africa

Africa Leadership Development Initiative ¨C ALDI Africa
Bridging the Gap: A JCI Poverty Simulation

Junior Chamber International (JCI)
Entrepreneurship Revolution in Africa and Latin America: Lessons and Similarities
African Immigrant Organization & Young Americas Business Trust
IMF HQ 2 03B-838
The reform of the IMF-WB debt sustainability framework: fit for the 2030 Development Agenda
Coffee Break
 11:00 am - 12:30 pm I2-210
Development Policy Financing: Opportunities for Low-Carbon, Pro-Poor Outcomes
Empowering Youth: Work Readiness and Skills Training for the 21st Century
Junior Achievement Americas; Somos el Presente; OISCA & International Youth Foundation
Combatting Corruption in Closing Spaces: Implications for Governance
Freedom House & Committee to Protect Journalists 
IMF HQ2, 03B-838
Infrastructure and Public Private Partnership: the IMF role
Center of Concern & Heinrich Boell Foundation
 2:00 - 3:30 pm I2-210
Roundtable Discussion on the New GBV Task Force

Joy for Children Uganda
Religion and Sustainable Development: Evidence for the Capacities, Activities and Contributions of Faith Groups Towards Achieving the SDGs
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
Equity, Inclusion and Education: Examining Evidence on Low-Fee Private Schools
Global Campaign for Education
IMF HQ2, 03B-838
Stopping vulture funds through national anti-vulture laws

CNCD - 11.11.11
Coffee Break
4:00 - 5:30 pm I2-210
Three Steps to Closing the Gender Digital Divide
IREX, Alliance for Affordable Internet, & World Bank Jobs Group
Adaptive Learning and Management in Practice ¨C What are we Learning?

Global Integrity
Evaluating Citizen Engagement in World Bank Operations
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) ¨C World Bank
IMF HQ2, 03B-838
The role of IFIs in assessing the impact of tax incentives and tax competition on inequality
Christian Aid
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Day 4 - Friday, October 7th 2016

 9:00 - 10:30 am I2-210
Leadership Development: The Missing Piece in Improving Global Education

Teach for All
The Role of the World Bank in Advancing Citizens¡¯ Access to Information in the Context of the Bank¡¯s Reforms

Centre for Law and Democracy
From Accountability to Action: The Role of Management

Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO)
IMF HQ2, 03B-838
Governments bonds and responsible finance  
Debt Justice Norway
Coffee Break
 10:45 am - 12:15 pm IMF HQ2, 03B-838
Next steps on sovereign debt restructuring

Jubilee USA & Massey College
 11:00 am - 12:30 pm I2-210
Mapping a Sustainable Future: Open Geospatial Data and Tools for Sustainable Development

ENR ¨C World Bank  
The New World Bank Environmental and Social Framework: Opportunities and Challenges for Implementation
OPCS - World Bank
New Methods for a New Century: Planning for Energy Security and Energy Access in the Modern Era

Sierra Club & Practical Action 

I2-250 Future of the CSPF Session: 12:30 ¨C 2:00 pm

2:00 - 3:30 pm


Civil Society and Development: Six Global Trends and Lessons from Nigeria
AMEPI & Partnership for Transparency Fund
Accelerating Action on Universal Health Coverage: How to Increase Public Financing and End Out-of-Pocket Spending
ONE Campaign & Oxfam International
Dialogue for Sustainable Livelihood for Women and Girls Through Agriculture
Koyenum Immalah Foundation
Coffee Break

4:00 - 5:30 pm

Global Finance and Domestic Resource Mobilization in Africa: Meeting the Challenge of Financing the Sustainable Development Goals
Third World Network ¨C Africa  
Tackling Inequality: Previewing an Index on How Governments Are Doing
Oxfam International
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The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) is open to all CSOs and other delegates who have been accredited to the 2016 Annual Meetings. CSO registration for the 2016 Annual Meetings is now closed.

The CSPF will be held from Tuesday, October 4 to Friday, October 7 in the World Bank¡¯s I Building located at 1850 I Street, N.W., which is the same location as registration and badge pick-up. A few sessions will also be held at IMF HQ2 Building (1900 Pennsylvania Ave.)

The CSO Center is located on the 2nd floor of the I Building, which is comprised of three large conference rooms (I 2-210, I 2-220, I 2-250), and a meeting room (I 2-440) for smaller meetings. There is also a CSO office where you can liaise with members of the World Bank and IMF Civil Society Teams. The full-schedule of the CSPF along with room location is available on this same website, clearly marked as ¡°Day 1¡±, ¡°Day 2¡±, ¡°Day 3¡±, and ¡°Day 4¡±.

Three large conference rooms will be used for the CSPF sessions. In addition, a separate meeting room (I 2-440) can be used by CSO representatives for smaller meetings. Please send an e-mail to Sabina Grenaderova (sgrenaderova@worldbankgroup.org) to reserve this space, and requests will be accommodated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please note, these meetings will not be promoted and advertised on the CSPF schedule.

There will be multiple desktop computers with internet access available in the CSO Center, as well as a copy machine. In addition, there is Wi-Fi connectivity throughout the building. This year, a Satellite Lounge for CSOs will be made available in the IMF HQ2 Building (1900 Pennsylvania Ave), room number HQ2 3B 948. This room will be equipped with a few laptops and is on the same floor as the Annual Meetings Press Center.

The CSPF is open to media and journalists who do not require a World Bank/IMF staff escort to access the CSO Center. CSOs will have access to the Press Center in the IMF HQ2 Building; however, CSOs should be mindful of journalists¡¯ workspace and independence. While CSO representatives are not allowed in the official press conferences, as these are reserved for journalists, they will be able to follow press events via a live TV feed located in the Press Center. Please note that CSOs will not be allowed to distribute leaflets in the pressroom, but instead a table will be available just outside the pressroom for CSO press materials.

There will also be a dedicated table for CSO promotional materials located in the CSO Center at the I Building. CSOs are responsible for delivering, displaying and replenishing the relevant materials themselves during the week of the Forum.

If you are planning to film or record a session for external distribution, we ask that you please give us advance notice as we are required to abide by local privacy laws and to seek permission from session presenters prior to the session.

The online registration system for CSOs IS NOW CLOSED. It was open until Friday, September 16, 2016. 

The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) will only be open to CSO representatives who have been accredited to the 2016 Annual Meetings.

Since the applications approval process can take up to 21 days, therefore some applications will be processed after the regsitration close date. We encourage CSOs to apply early, to allow for the relevant reviews and clearances, and to give themselves enough time to make travel and visa arrangements. 

CSO representatives accredited for the 2016 Annual Meetings are able to participate in all open events that are part of the wider 2016 Annual Meetings program of events.

Application Process

All CSO applications go through an initial review by the Civil Society Team of the World Bank Group to ensure that the applicants represent CSOs involvement in interational development policy operations and/or dialogue on issues relevant to the work of the Bank Group and IMF.

Once this criteria is met, applications are reviewed by the relevant Executive Directors' offices (based on the country where the CSO is based or mainly operates and/or the nationality of the requester) for clearance.  The Executive Directors have eight working days to review the requests for registration.

At the end of this process, the participants will be notified of the final decision by the Civil Society Team.  There is no limit on the number of applicants from a single organization, but each applicant must apply individually.

CSOs include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples movements, faith-based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations.  Representatives from the private sector, academia or governmental bodies must apply for accreditation through the "Guests" or other respective registration category as clarified on the main 2016 Annual Meetings website.

Since the application's approval can take up to 21 days, we encourage CSO representatives to apply early to given themselves enough time to make travel and visa arrangements and to ensure that there is enough time to complete the relevant reviews and clearances.


Registration and participation in the CSPF is free, but please be aware that participants are responsible for covering their own travel, accommodation, and per diem costs.  Participants are also responsible for applying for their entry visa to the USA.   Unfortunately, we have come across some entities offering to register participants for a fee.  If you come across any such entity, please report them to civilsociety@worldbank.org so we can take appropriate action.


If you need a visa to enter the United States, please request registration as soon as possible, noting that the approval of your registration request can take up to three weeks and we will not be able to provide an invitation letter until that process is complete. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº Group and IMF do not assist with the visa application process in United States Consulates as this is the responsibility of each traveler.

Following registration approval, you can use your confirmation email as evidence of the purpose of your visit to Washington during your visa interview. The Bank Group and IMF will not be responsible for delays in visa processing.


Last Updated: Sep 20, 2016

A core component of the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) is some 40, mainly CSO-organized policy dialogue sessions that will run concurrently from the afternoon of October 4-7.

The Call for Proposals is NOW CLOSED. No new requests will be accepted. We received more than 130 proposals. A full list of submissions can be found

An initial schedule will be posted on our website on September 6 and we will be in touch with CSOs who submitted proposals to let them know if their session was selected before that time.

The following guidelines inform the selection of sessions:

  1. CSPF Themes: The CSPF aims to cover a diverse range of topics with priority given to those that are thematically relevant to the work of the World Bank Group and the IMF, and which invite debate beyond the focus of one civil society organization or country.
  2. Session Proposals: Session run concurrently throughout the day and can be organized solely, or with other entities, by CSOs, the Bank and the Fund. In order to promote inclusiveness and global CSO participation, however, we encourage each CSO to limit its proposal to one session per organization and/or work jointly with other CSOs and regional partners to co-organize a session that showcases a variety of perspectives on the specified topic. If we receive multiple proposals on similar themes we may ask submitting organizations to consider working together on their sessions. To promote transparency and facilitate collaboration, we will be making submitted proposals available on our website from August 22, if the submitting CSOs agree.
  3. Session Format: We encourage and seek to identify CSO-proposed sessions that promote dynamic and interactive discussions. Thematic relevance/prominence and expected audience numbers will be the primary determining factors for session room selection.

Please note that in recent years demand for sessions has been much higher than the total number of slots available. We cannot guarantee that your proposal will be accepted, but will do our best to accomodate as many sessions as possible within the available slots. We will let session proposers know if their sessions have been selected for inclusion by early September.  An initial session schedule will be posted on September 6 and linked to the 2016 Annual Meetings main events website.

Once their sessions are confirmed on the schedule, CSO representatives are responsible for promoting their own sessions within their CSO networks and among the attendants at the Annual Meetings. Sessions will only be open to those accredited to the 2016 Annual Meetings.

Registration and participation in the CSPF is free, but please be aware that participants -  including session organizers - are responsible for covering their own travel, accommodation, and per diem costs.  See the CSO Registration tab for more details.

Annual Meetings registration opened on July 25 and will run through September 16. To ensure the timely processing of your registration request, we strongly encourage you and your potential panel participants to register early.

If you have any questions regarding this call for proposals or have difficulties accessing the session proposal form, please contact us by email at: civilsociety@worldbank.org (World Bank) or NGOliaison@IMF.org (IMF).

Last Updated: Aug 22, 2016


Social media
  • Follow the conversation: #AMCSO16