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World Bank/FinSAC: International Conference on NPL Resolution

May 15-16, 2018

Vienna, Austria

  • May 15-16, 2018: Encouraging a comprehensive approach to resolving non-performing loans (NPLs) was the focus of a two-day World Bank conference in Vienna. As many of its client countries continue to experience high levels of NPLs, the World Bank Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) convened some 100 delegates from 25 countries to share international experience and discuss holistic ways of addressing the issue.

    Reducing NPLs in a sustainable manner is a complex task that typically requires a broad range of coordinated policy measures. The Vienna conference examined the following four key areas, with expert input including from the World Bank, European Central Bank, European Banking Authority, European Commission and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: 

    1.            NPL recognition, including latest initiatives from standard setters on harmonization of regulatory definitions of NPLs and forbearance, new accounting standards (IFRS 9) that represent a transition from incurred loss to expected loss approaches, and the ECB’s guidance to banks on the resolution of NPLs. The seminar also included a specific session dedicated to collateral valuation. 

    2.            Workout strategies: Different national experiences, including the lessons learned, were offered by senior representatives from Slovenia, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Greece, Spain, Austria, Latvia, and Serbia. Topics addressed included operational frameworks for the workout process, and government-led approaches towards resolution, including the use of asset management companies.

    3.            Enabling environment for NPL resolution with an emphasis on the legal environment that determines prospects for creditors to recover their claims, considering the state of distress of the debtor. 

    4.            Development of markets for NPLs: A panel of industry representatives discussed prospects and preconditions for the further development of markets for NPLs in the region.

  • (pdf)

  • Presentations – Day 1

    Sharon Finn, European Central Bank


    Tony Clifford, Ernst & Young, EMEIA Financial Services, UK


    Oleg Shmeljov, European Banking Authority


    Katia D’Hulster, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation (FCI), 木瓜影院 Group



    Karlis Bauze, FinSAC, 木瓜影院 Group


    – the Slovenian experience with MSME NPL resolution Darko Torkar, Banking Supervision, Bank of Slovenia


    Teodora Petkova, UniCredit Bulbank, Bulgaria


    Caroline Cerruti, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation (FCI), 木瓜影院 Group


    Hamidy Hafiz, Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC), Malaysia


    Speaker: Imre Balogh, Bank Asset Management Company, Slovenia


    Presentations – Day 2

    (collective and individual, collateral enforcement, auctioning process)

    Andres F. Martinez, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation (FCI), 木瓜影院 Group


    Ondrej Vondracek, European Commission


    Theodore Athanassopoulos, Alpha Bank, Greece


    Krzysztof Grzesik, The European Group of Valuers Associations (TEGOVA)


    Speaker: Sharon Finn, European Central Bank


    Miguel Angel Lopez Gomez, Bank of Spain


    Andreea Moraru, Financial Institutions, EBRD


    Anete Daukste, KPMG, UK


    Martin Machon, APS Holding


    Elmars Zakulis, Bank of Latvia


    Milan Kova?, Ministry of Finance of Serbia and Marija Ran?elovi?, National Bank of Serbia


  • Prepared by Karlis Bauze
    FinSAC, 木瓜影院 Group


    Prepared by Caroline Cerruti
    Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice, 木瓜影院 Group


    Prepared by Katia D’Hulster
    Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation Global Practice, 木瓜影院 Group

