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The 11th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities¡ªWorld Bank Participation

June 12-14, 2018

United Nations Headquarters, New York City

Overarching Theme: ¡°Leaving no one behind through the full implementation of the CRPD¡±

  • The (CRPD), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2006, promotes the full integration of persons with disabilities in societies. Article 40 of the Convention stipulates that ¡°The States Parties shall meet regularly in a Conference of States Parties in order to consider any matter with regard to the implementation of the present Convention.¡± Since 2008, ten sessions of the Conference of States Parties have been held.

    As one of the leading organizations on the issue of disability inclusion in development, the World Bank will attend the 11th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at the United Nations in New York, from June 12-14. ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº will host two side events, and participate in discussions on a range of topics relevant to disability inclusion, disruptive technologies, disability data, and the upcoming UN Flagship Report on Disability and Development.


    World Bank Events

    1. Equity and Inclusion in Education for Children with Disabilities
    June 12, 2018 | 10:00¨C11:30 AM Eastern Time | Conference Room C, United Nations HQ, New York

    The side event panel on Equity and Inclusion in education for children with disabilities will invite discussion around supporting effective solutions at global and country level to promote the inclusion of children with disabilities and increase education participation, achievement and learning. Issues to be discussed include: 

    • Policy analysis and data gaps in education regarding access and learning   
    • Operationalizing inclusive education- Gaps in service delivery   
    • Effective approaches and interventions to promote and support learning outcomes for children with disabilities 
    • Teacher support- teaching and learning materials


    • Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Global Disability Advisor, World Bank Group (Moderator)
    • Hon. Otiko Afisah Djaba- Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Republic of Ghana
    • Anna Wechsberg, Director Policy Division, Department for International Development, UK Government
    • Ola Abu Alghaib, Director Global Influencing and Research, Leonard Cheshire
    • Mark Waltham, Senior Advisor, UNICEF
    • Kakali Banik, Senior Education Advisor, Bureau for Africa, United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


    2. Disability Inclusion at the World Bank: New Initiatives and Framework
    June 13, 2018 | 1:15¨C2:30 PM Eastern Time | Conference Room B, United Nations HQ, New York

    ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº will present the , which provides internal guidance and principles for the Bank¡¯s engagement in disability inclusion. It lays out a road map for including disability in the Bank¡¯s policies, operations and analytical work, and for building internal capacity for supporting clients in implementing disability-inclusive development. The framework supports the implementation of the World Bank¡¯s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which includes provisions designed to ensure that the interests of persons with disabilities are protected and included in the Bank¡¯s investment lending operations in client countries.


    • Maitreyi B. Das, Practice Manager, World Bank Group (Moderator)
    • Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, Global Disability Advisor, World Bank Group
    • Margaret Arnold, Senior Social Development Specialist, World Bank Group
    • Anne-Katrin Arnold, Senior Operations Officer, World Bank Group
    • Fred Smith, Head of Policy, Sightsavers
    • Tiziana Oliva, Executive Director-International, Leonard Cheshire
  • Speaker Bios for the Equity and Inclusion in Education Side Session


    Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo (@McNhlapo)

    Charlotte is the Global Disability Advisor for the World Bank Group. Her work at the Bank is focuses on disability inclusive development under its twin goals to end poverty and promote shared prosperity. As Disability Advisor, she supports operational teams across the institution to ensure that Bank policies, programs and projects are disability inclusive. Her responsibilities include: leading the production of analytical products; analyzing and articulating Bank policy on disability and development. In 2011 as a well-respected human rights lawyer in disability and child rights advocate, she was appointed by President Obama to led USAID¡¯s work on disability inclusive development, from developing policies and country strategies to technical assistance for program implementation. Prior to this, she worked as a senior operations officer at the Bank in the East Asia Pacific and Africa regions. Earlier in her career, she was appointed by President Nelson Mandela as a Commissioner to the South African Human Rights Commission focusing on social and economic rights, disability rights and child rights. From 1996 to 1998, she also served as a project officer on child protection for UNICEF. Charlotte holds multiple Law Degrees in international law, human rights and administration from the University of Warsaw, Poland and Cornell Law School.


    Otiko Afisah Djaba

    Otiko Afisah Djaba is 54 years old. She studied Information Systems in the UK, communications in Eygpt and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Integrated Development Studies at the University for Development Studies in Ghana. She was the National Facilitator for the Campaign for Greater Discipline under Former Vice President Aliu Mahama in 2004. She worked as a Consultant in Children¡¯s Rights and rural women¡¯s development for Plan Ghana in extremely deprived rural communities in Sissala districts and in Wa. In 2008 she was the NPP Parliamentary Candidate for the Bole-Bamboi constituency, and is currently the Women¡¯s leader of the New Patriotic Party and has held the position since 2010. She is a polyglot, who speaks 8 Ghanaian dialects.


    Mark Waltham (@UNICEFEducation)

    Mark has worked as a Senior Education Adviser in UNICEF¡¯s New York HQ since 2012. His primary focus is on issues of access to education, and he is responsible for leading UNICEF¡¯s global Out of School Children Initiative and work on Inclusive Education. Before joining UNICEF, Mark spent 13 years as a senior education adviser in the UK¡¯s Department for International Development (DFID), including postings in Nepal, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, and the Asia-Pacific region on secondment to AusAID. Previously, Mark worked at Cambridge University in the UK, with an international NGO in Nepal, and as a teacher in the UK and Ghana. Mark holds a PhD and an MEd in education research. He is married with two children.


    Ola Abu Alghaib (@AlghaibOla)

    Ola is the Director of Global Influencing and Research at LC, In her role at LC, Ms. Abu Alghaib is providing oversight over the research function and is also representing the organization at the Global Disability and Innovation Hub, a collaboration among various partners, including civil society organizations and academia, working together to share disability innovation, and the International Disability in Development Consortium and the Together2030 global initiative. Dr Abu Alghaib is leading the implementation of the ambitious strategy for Leonard Cheshire to become the global partner of choice in disability, while significantly growing advocacy initiatives and partnerships with key domestic and global actors. She is responsible to lead on engagement with international development debates as well as support domestic policy engagement, drawing on robust research and insights from LC¡¯s work. She is an accomplished researcher with almost two decades¡¯ experience in the field of disability, development, and inclusive social policies in Lower and Middle-Income Countries. Responsibilities have encompassed policy analysis, program design, management and evaluation, formulation of advocacy strategies, capacity development, extensive use of qualitative methods, and research with UN agencies (including the WHO, ILO, UNESCO, UNESCWA; NGOs and DPOs; and INGOs such as CBM and HI. She has been a member of advisory bodies to support governments in social policy reform; recently involved in providing technical expertise around effective reforms towards inclusive social protection policies. She has recently completed her Ph.D. research at the University of East Anglia on social protection, disability, and inequalities of choice and autonomy.


    Koli Banik

    Koli Banik is a Senior Education Advisor at USAID's Bureau for Africa where she provides technical support to a number of countries in the region. She previously worked at the Global Partnership for Education as an Education Specialist. Her areas of expertise are in girls¡¯ education, gender equity, inclusive education, early childhood development, as well as knowledge management. Before joining the Secretariat, Koli worked for the Population Council, World Bank, American Friends Service Committee, and local NGOs in India. She has extensive field experience working with rural communities in India and Vietnam on gender, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS. She has a Ph.D. in International Education from the University of Maryland, and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania.


    Anna Wechsberg (@Anna_W_DFID)

    Anna has been Policy Director for the UK Government¡¯s Department for International Development since September 2016. Her responsibilities include DFID policy on health, education, nutrition, social protection and climate change. She also leads work on DFID¡¯s central relationships with civil society, on DFID¡¯s gender policy and prevention of violence against women and girls, and on key areas of innovation including how we can make better use of digital technologies to deliver development outcomes. She is Head of the DFID Policy Profession. Prior to this role Anna was DFID¡¯s first Strategy Director, playing a leading role in development of the 2015 UK Government Aid Strategy, which sets the framework against which UK Aid resources are allocated. Earlier in her career she led work for DFID on Europe and on Africa-wide strategy, and has held DFID posts in New Delhi and in Washington. She has served on the Boards of the European Investment Bank, World Bank Group and IMF. In addition to her DFID career, Anna has worked at the centre of government, in the UK Cabinet Office¡¯s Strategy Unit, in HM Treasury, and from 2000-2003 as Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the UK Prime Minister. Anna has combined her formal working life with family life, including part time working and job-sharing in senior roles in DFID. She is now working full time, but remains a supporter of effective flexible working to allow women and men with family responsibilities to continue their careers.

    Speaker Bios for the Session on Disability and Inclusion at World Bank


    Maitreyi Bordia Das

    Maitreyi Bordia Das is the World Bank's Practice Manager for the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice. Previously, she was the Global Lead for Social Inclusion. Based in Washington DC, she works on issues of inequality and exclusion and on the design and implementation of social policy and programs. Among other publications, Dr. Das is also the lead author of the 2013 report, "Inclusion Matters: The Foundation for Shared Prosperity" and most recently of "Scaling the Heights: Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development in Himachal Pradesh". She started her career as a lecturer in St Stephen's College, University of Delhi, has been a MacArthur Fellow at the Harvard Center of Population and Development Studies and worked as advisor to the United Nations Development Program. She has a PhD in Sociology (Demography) from the University of Maryland. Before joining the World Bank, Dr. Das was in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS)


    Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo (@McNhlapo)

    (Refer to Charlotte¡¯s bio above)


    Anne-Katrin Arnold

    Anne-Katrin Arnold is Senior Operations Officer for Environmental and Social Standards in the Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) Department of the World Bank. She leads the engagement with strategic partners in the context of the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and works on issues of environmental and social policy compliance in Bank-financed development projects. Anne was Task Team Lead for the review of the World Bank¡¯s safeguard policies that culminated in the new ESF. She is now coordinating the development of ESF-related guidance for Bank Borrowers as well as Bank staff, including guidance on non-discrimination and disability. She joined the World Bank in 2008 and has since focused on policy development, global policy dialogue, and stakeholder engagement. Anne has extensive experience with international development, politics, and public affairs within and outside the United Nations system. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.


    Margaret Arnold

    Margaret Arnold is a Senior Social Development Specialist with the World Bank specializing in social resilience, and the social, gender and inclusion dimensions of climate and disaster risk management. She leads work on resilience and pro-poor adaptation for the Global Practice on Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience and serves as the Head of GFDRR¡¯s program on Inclusive Community Resilience. Margaret has been with the World Bank since 1995, and has worked on urban development and post-conflict reconstruction in addition to disaster and climate risk management. She was part of a two-person team that established the World Bank's first unit focused on natural hazard risk management in 1998 (the Disaster Management Facility), and is credited with facilitating the Bank's recognition of disaster risk reduction as a development priority. She is one of the founders of the ProVention Consortium and served as Head of its Secretariat from 2007-2009.

    Fred Smith

    Fred Smith is the Head of Policy at Sightsavers, where he leads the organisation¡¯s policy work with a range of government and multilateral organisations, including DFID and the World Bank, to advocate for the systematic inclusion of people with disabilities in the development sector. He is responsible for conducting analysis across a number of countries and sectors to inform Sightsavers¡¯ strategic influencing work on disability inclusion, health system strengthening and quality inclusive education. Fred previously worked as a Social Inclusion Adviser leading on inclusive approaches to policy development, data disaggregation and disaster risk reduction. He has worked for Sightsavers for over nine years and holds a BA in International Relations and Development Studies from the University of Sussex, and a Masters in Disasters, Adaption and Development from King¡¯s College London.


    Tiziana Oliva

    Tiziana Oliva is Executive Director ¡ª International of Leonard Cheshire. Tiziana has enjoyed a successful career in international development working principally in Africa. She joined the charity from the VSO¡¯s global leadership team, where in her position as director of Africa she had responsibility for operations in 18 countries and three regional hubs. Prior to VSO, she worked in senior leadership roles in Merlin and CARE International, with field work on humanitarian interventions as well as long term recovery and development programmes.

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  • E-mail: mmorandotti@worldbank.org