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Will COVID-19 Reshape the Global Economy?

May 4, 2020



VIDEO May 04, 2020

Video Record of the Event

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  • The COVID-19 crisis could have profound long-term economic consequences. The crisis is likely to have a major impact on globalization and global value chains, and it could bring about a rethinking of the social contract and the role of the state in major economies. The crisis and its aftermath may give an opportunity to strengthen climate mitigation efforts by ¡°tilting to green¡± the stimulus packages adopted by governments. The way we work is likely to change as well, with flexible and home-based work becoming more widespread.

  • Beata Javorcik joined the EBRD as its new Chief Economist on September 1, 2019. As the EBRD¡¯s Chief Economist, she is responsible for advising the President and other senior members of the Bank¡¯s management team on economic issues of strategic or operational relevance to the EBRD regions. Dr. Javorcik is on leave from the University of Oxford, where she holds a Statutory Professorship in Economics (the first woman in this position) and is a Fellow of All Souls College. She is a member of the Royal Economic Society¡¯s Executive Committee and a Director of the International Trade Programme at the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London.

    Anabel Gonz¨¢lez has been nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics since October 2018. She was senior director of the World Bank¡¯s Global Practice on Trade & Competitiveness (2014¨C18), where she led the Bank¡¯s agenda on trade, investment climate, competitiveness, innovation, and entrepreneurship. She previously served as minister of trade of Costa Rica (2010¨C14), where she headed the strategy to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, negotiated and implemented six free trade agreements, and contributed to attract over 140 foreign direct investment projects.

    Somik V. Lall is the Global Lead for Territorial Development and Global Co-Lead for Transport Economics and Policy. Somik is a recognized expert on development policy related to urban and territorial competitiveness, agglomeration and clusters, and infrastructure with over 22 years¡¯ global experience. He has led the MENA region flagship on development of lagging areas. Previously, he was a core member of the team that wrote the World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography; a senior economic counselor to the Indian prime minister¡¯s National Transport Development Policy Committee; and the lead author of the Bank¡¯s flagship report on urbanization Planning, Connecting, and Financing Cities.


  • Date: May 4, 2020, 10:00AM ¨C 11:30AM EST
  • Chair: Asli Demirg¨¹?-Kunt, Chief Economist, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank