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FEATURE STORY November 28, 2017

Act now to save wildlife: 5 actions that make a difference

Humanity is facing a wildlife crisis. Animals around the world are threatened by habitat destruction, and a rising demand for wildlife products has led to massive poaching and trafficking.

Each year over 30,000 elephants are poached for their ivory; just 4% of wild tigers remain compared to a century ago; an African rhino is poached every eight hours; and more than 1 million pangolins have been traded illegally since 2000, making them the most trafficked wild mammal in the world.

"Poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking are reaching unprecedented levels, robbing the livelihoods of local communities and eroding the global commons."
Naoko Ishii
Global Environment Facility (GEF) CEO and Chairperson

We need to act now. The Global Wildlife Program (GWP) is responding to this crisis. And you can, too. 

"Degrading habitats for wildlife and poaching lead to significant biodiversity loss, threatening the lives and livelihoods of people who depend on them. Through the Global Wildlife Program, we are supporting countries in valuing wildlife as an important natural and economic asset, capable of positively impacting local and national economies."
Karin Kemper
Karin Kemper
Senior Director, Environment and Natural Resources Global Practice, World Bank

Here are five ways you can be a part of the solution to conserve wildlife, their environment and support local communities:

  1. Engage with the conservation community. The ways to contribute are vast¡ªfrom who risk their lives everyday as the first line of defense in protecting wildlife from armed poachers, to , to to stop demand, or by to ask them to help save vanishing species.
  2. Visit a national park to support the wildlife economy, promote sustainable tourism and be touched and captivated by nature.
  3. Reduce demand for illegal wildlife parts and products by not purchasing products made from these items¡ªas our partner says: ¡°When the buying stops, the killing can too.¡±
  4. Commit to learning more about the risks to wildlife and their habitats and reducing your carbon footprint to keep forests, wildlife and oceans healthy and intact.
  5. Use the power of your network to inspire others to act by spreading the word about the issues facing different species and communicating the gravity and urgency of the situation.

"Public awareness and support for ending the ivory trade increased dramatically in recent years and the price of ivory in China has dropped by 65% over the past two years, indicating significantly reduced demand."
John Baker
WildAid Program Director

Baker said over the past five years  and their campaign ambassadors in China and other countries have been . With the help of global efforts across conservation partners and government institutions, China recently announced a complete domestic ivory ban, with plans to close all remaining ivory carving factories and retail shops by the end of 2017.

 in both China and Vietnam are yielding positive results too by changing attitudes. Surveys show the number of people in China who think that poaching is a serious or very serious threat to rhinos has risen from 74% in 2012 to 95% in 2017. Their work is helping to dispel myths such as rhino horn being a cure for cancer by educating the public that rhino horn is simply made of keratin, the same substance as fingernails.

While the  shows dramatic losses of elephants due to poaching in Central Africa, and that ivory seizures are at a record high, overall elephant poaching in Africa declined for the fifth consecutive year, with a decline in Eastern Africa to pre-2008 levels. 

"This shows us what is possible through sustained and collective front-line enforcement and demand reduction efforts, coupled with strong political support."
John E. Scanlon
CITES Secretary-General

Another GWP partner, the , points to their recent successes resulting from :

  • More than 1 million WWF supporters spoke up for elephants, the most successful petition drive ever for WWF US, as well as the most significant petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service received from any single organization on a single issue. In combination with a multi-year campaign by WWF,  that will help shut down commercial elephant ivory trade in the United States.
  • WWF US activists who participated in a cyber-spotting program to identify illegal wildlife crime activities across three different online platforms flagged a total of 776 advertisements that were trafficking illegal wildlife trade, which were then removed from the websites.  
  • Thousands of people have created and sent in personal cards to wildlife rangers across the world recognizing the important work they are doing. 

These examples are hopeful, but much work remains to be done on behalf of wildlife.

What action will you take today?

Learn more: /en/programs/global-wildlife-program

About the Global Wildlife Program

Led by the World Bank and funded by the , the Global Wildlife Program is a $213 million global partnership that coordinates with partners in 29 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America to support actions on the ground to improve wildlife and protected area management, enhance community livelihood benefits, strengthen law enforcement, curb illegal trade, reduce demand of illegal wildlife products and accelerate learning on relevant topics on the illegal trade of wildlife.

Many of the GWP¡¯s national projects invest in activities that involve the active participation of individuals and communities in wildlife conservation so they may benefit from the economic value of wildlife through tourism or alternative livelihoods in order to sustain conservation efforts.

In Africa, the GWP has programs in Angola, , , Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, , , , Madagascar, , , , Namibia, the , , , , and . In Asia, programs are in , Bhutan, Cambodia, , , the , , and . ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), partner with the governments or other executing partners to implement the national projects. And in Latin America there are programs in Belize, Ecuador and Panama.

ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), partner with the governments or other executing partners to implement the national projects. 

The GWP¡¯s collaborative partners include , the  including the  Secretariat, , , , , and .
