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PRESS RELEASEApril 27, 2023

World Bank approved US$100 million to strengthen and improve potable water supply services in El Salvador

WASHINGTON, D.C., 27 April 2023 ¨C ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº (WB) approved financing to the tune of  US$100 million for the  ¡°Water Sector Resilience Project in El Salvador,¡± which will help to improve the quality, reliability, and efficiency of the water supply services in selected areas of the country and, in the event of an emergency due to natural phenomena, it will allow for  a rapid and effective response.

The work areas would be those in the San Salvador Metropolitan Area that receive water from the Torogoz water treatment plant, which includes the municipalities of San Salvador, Apopa, Ciudad Delgado, Cuscatancingo, Ayutuxtepeque, and Soyapango.

"We are pleased with the World Bank's support, which focuses on climate change and resilience in order to improve access and the sustainable management of limited water resources," said Finance Minister Alejandro Zelaya. "It is essential for our country to promote the rational use of water so as not to compromise or jeopardize its availability for future generations."

With this Project, consumers will have better quality water supply services through a more reliable, continuous, and pressurized supply, which will help to improve people's health and their economic well-being.

The Project will enhance the quality, reliability and efficiency of water services by financing works, goods, and services that improve the resilience of water supply infrastructure and the provision of water services for at-risk populations in urban and peri-urban areas of San Salvador. It will also finance the implementation of a program to reduce physical and commercial losses of non-revenue water in the area of influence of the Torogoz water supply system, which supplies water to approximately 40% of the population of the Metropolitan Area.

In addition, the National Aqueduct and Sewerage Administration [Administraci¨®n Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados ANDA] will be strengthened in its modernization process to improve the delivery of climate-resilient water supply and sanitation services; and institutional project management support will be provided, including technical assistance for capacity building and financial, procurement, environmental, and social management support, as needed.

"We believe it is of critical importance to work for Salvadoran families that are exposed to droughts, storms, and floods who suffer constantly from the disruption of their water services," said Carine Clert, Country Manager for El Salvador and Costa Rica. "Integrating climate risks into the design and rehabilitation of infrastructure to improve the reliability of water services will benefit women, in particular, who as heads of households and caregivers are among those most affected by the impacts of climate change.¡¯¡¯

The Project includes a contingent emergency response component (CERC), which will allow for an immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, that is, one that has caused, or is likely to cause an adverse economic or social impact associated with man-made or natural phenomena.

The US$100 million operation, financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), has a final maturity of 25 years, including a 5-year grace period.

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In San Jos¨¦, Costa Rica:
Cynthia Flores Mora
+503 2526-5900
In Washington DC:
Yuri Szabo
+1 202 473-1000


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