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VideoMarch 6, 2024

The Dominican Republic has created a National School of Migration

What is taught at a National School of Migration and who are its students? Adria de la Cruz, in charge of international affairs at the National Migration Institute, answers these and other questions in this interview conducted as part of an event on gender violence in migratory contexts.

The Dominican Republic has deployed a series of initiatives among which stands out this National School of Migration, what does it consist of? What do they teach?

It has the function of generating training instances directed to public servants who exercise some function within the migration management process. It is in charge of producing training in techniques and migratory management for all the officers who are going to enter.

It is mandatory for any person who is going to enter the service at ports, airports or formal land points at the migration level, to develop this training program that includes both the practical aspects of their profession as well as issues that contribute to their awareness regarding the treatment of migrants, human rights and due process.

In addition, we have also included several trainings focused on improving competencies for the detection of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

However, I must also emphasize that although our focus is mainly on personnel working in the civil service, we also provide some quotas to journalists, social communicators, individuals and civil society organizations that can join our training and also generate a space for exchange and multidisciplinarity in these trainings.

Interviewer: ?lvaro G. de Pablo, Communications Associate at ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº