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Access country line item fiscal data

The following countries have endorsed the publication in user friendly formats of their line item fiscal data (BOOST) either directly on the World Bank Open Budget Portal or through their individual fiscal transparency portals.  Our program strives to continue working with client countries to improve fiscal transparency in support of better public participation in budget process and more robust evidence based policy making. Data users should be aware of the potential limitations of the datasets. We urge users to consult the users¡¯ manuals to learn more about these limitations and take them into account when analyzing countries¡¯ budgets. 

Note: The information found in the country resource pages and the datasets for each country are subject to the World Bank¡¯s . Additional terms and conditions apply; see . Click on any country to access country pages and datasets.


Afghanistan The Ministry of Finance has developed the to facilitate access to data regarding the budget and expenditures for the development of economic analysis. The BOOST Portal presents fiscal data on revenues and expenditures at the national, provincial and district level for fiscal years 1389 (2010) onwards. 
AlbaniaThe Ministry of Finance of Albania together with the World Bank developed and published a obtained from the National Treasury System in order to facilitate access to the detailed public finance data for comprehensive budget analysis. In this context, the Albania BOOST Public Finance Portal aims to strengthen the disclosure and demand for availability of public finance information at all level of government in the country from 2010 onwards. 
ArmeniaThe Armenia BOOST government fiscal database is constructed with data publicly available (in Armenian) at the Armenian  website, managed by the Ministry of Finance. The data included in the database range from 2006 onwards and comprises expenditures and revenues carried out by the central government.
BeninBenin BOOST database provides disaggregated annual budget and execution data of the central government from 2007 onwards disaggregated by administrative, economic, functional, and source of funding classifications.  Data available for both expenditures and revenues.
BrazilThe Brazil Federal-level BOOST is a joint endeavor of the Secretaria de Or?amento Federal (SOF) (Federal Budget Secretariat) within the Minist¨¦rio do Planejamento, Or?amento e Gest?o, as part of its participation in the Open Fiscal Data Package, an initiative coordinated by the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT). Data includes budget and expenditure data and social security budget from 2000 onwards.  State level data is also available in three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo) as displayed below.
Burkina FasoThe Burkina Faso BOOST database provides disaggregated annual budget and execution data of the central government from 2005 onwards. The database includes allocated, modified, committed, validated, ordered to pay and paid figures by different agencies of the central government, disaggregated by administrative, economic, functional, geographic, sectoral, project classifications and also presents information on source of funding
BurundiThe Burundi BOOST includes available expenditure data from 2013 to 2015 based on a new chart of accounts for both budgeted and executed expenitures by the central government. Also publicly disseminated on the  of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development planning of Burundi. The team hope to update the data platform with additional years soon.
ChileChile's BOOST platform has been developed on the basis of open data downloaded from the . It contains micro fiscal data from 2005 onwards with detailed economic, administrative and program classification information as well as complete coverage of subnational spending from 2009 onwards. 
CroatiaCroatia BOOST has been developed on the basis of micro fiscal data publicly disseminated directly by the Government of Croatia.  Central data is available on the , while municipal data has been collected from the
Dominican RepublicThe Dominican Republic has published comprehensive budget and execution data By making this information accessible to the broader public, the BOOST initiative aims to enhance transparency and accountability and foster citizen participation in the budget process in the Dominican Republic. The data presented in the DIGEPRES portal captures budget revenues (1990-2018) and expenditures (2008-2018) at the national level of government, as well as a consolidated report for years 2014 onwards.
GuatemalaGuatemala was the first Latin American country to join the Open Budgets Portal., presenting five different stages of the budget cycle dissected in seven levels of economic classification, three levels of functional classification, three levels of source of financing, two levels of program classification and three levels of administrative classifications broken down at central government and local level (regions and municipalities). It features data from 2004 onwards for central level and 2008 onwards for municipal data.
HaitiHaiti is the first Caribbean country to make available to the public its budget data using BOOST. The Haiti BOOST public expenditure database presents disaggregated annual budget and expenditure data of the central government from 2006 onwards organized according to the country budget classification system which includes an administrative, economic, geographic, and functional classification.  In addition, the data covers investment projects financed by the state treasury. The donor financed projects are not included in this current version of the BOOST. The BOOST data contains the budgeted, committed, and executed figures for all central government agencies. 
KenyaKenya was the first African country to publish the entire public expenditure dataset in one consolidated Excel file in 2011. The platform contains almost two decades of spending information at the central and local levels and continues to be yearly updated, curated and disseminated by the Government of Kenya.
KiribatiThe Kiribati BOOST database was constructed with data provided to the World Bank by the  (MoF). The BOOST dataset presents initial and actual amounts for the period between 2002 and 2014 for both revenue and expenditure. Efforts are under way to bring the data platform up to date.
LiberiaThe Liberia BOOST includes annual expenditure data from 2012 onwards for both budgeted and executed expenditures by the central government disaggregated by administrative, economic, functional and geographic classification and is also publicly disseminated on the  of the Ministry of Finance
MaliThe Mali BOOST database provides disaggregated annual budget data available from 2004 onwards. The Mali BOOST database includes the allocated budget and executed figures by different agencies of the central and local government. The data is disaggregated by administrative, economic, geographic and functional classification.
MauritaniaThe Mauritania BOOST database provides disaggregated annual expenditure and revenue data of the central government from 2009 onwards. The Mauritania BOOST database includes the allocated budget and executed figures by different agencies of the central government. The data is disaggregated by administrative and economic classification and also presents information on source of funding. The data is also publicly available on the
MexicoMexico BOOSt platform was compiled through detailed information disseminated by the Government.  Central spending was collected on the , while municipal data has been collected from the . The platform includes annual revenue and expenditure data from 2008 onwards. Federal data classifies the information in five economic classifications, three functional classifications, two administrative classifications and three program classifications along with source of funding and a geographical classification. The State and Municipal¡¯s data presents only execution data dissected in one economic classifications and geographic dimensions but no functional classification amount
Minas Gerais (BR)

 This database was built with information provided by . The information included in the datasets presents four stages of the budgetary cycle. The classifies the information in one level of administrative classification, two levels of functional classification, five levels of economic classification, one level of program classification, two levels of project classification and source of funding


 Moldova was the first country in the world to publish the entire BOOST expenditure dataset in one consolidated Excel file. THE BOOST platform contains very detailed expenditures, including school level data on yearly basis from 2005 onwards and it is regularly updated, curated and disseminated by the Government of Moldova on an annual basis.


 The Niger BOOST database presents data on expenditures executed by the state government. The data was provided by the Ministry of Finance through the Integrated Management System of Public Finance for 2003 onwards. The data is organized following the country¡¯s budget classification system which includes an administrative, economic, geographic and sectoral as well as source of funding classification. The BOOST database includes allocated budget, revised and expenditures of central government agencies. The database also includes central government transfers to State-owned enterprises (SOE) but excludes social security funds.


As part of the reforms carried out by the Government of Paraguay, a BOOST platform was built was released to the public through an .  The platform includes budget and expenditure data for the central government and the decentralized agencies from 2003 onwards, disaggregated by economic, administrative, functional, and programmatic classifications and expenditure data for municipal governments. From 2006 onwards


 Peru was one of the first countries in Latin America to make its Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) available to the public through its fiscal transparency portal, , where users can find budget and execution data on a monthly and even daily basis. The Peru BOOST dataset presents approved, modified, and executed amounts from 1999 onwards, and disaggregates them by functional, programmatic, project, and economic classification, in addition to presenting the data on a geographic basis.


 The Poland¡¯s BOOST government expenditure database is constructed with expenditure data available on Poland¡¯s Ministry of Finance¡¯s website. The BOOST dataset is composed of committed, amended and executed amounts dissected by two levels of economic classification, two levels of functional classification, and administrative classifications broken down at the central government level (ministries and agencies, and individual spending units) and at the local governments (provincial) level. Additionally, both the central government budget and the local government budgets are divided into ten categories based on the source of financing. Poland¡¯s BOOST features data from 2004 onwards for central and local government budgets.

Rio Grande do sul (BR)

Rio Grande do Sul BOOST presents information for both state and municipal government disaggregated by economic, functional, program, and project classification from 2004 onwards.


S?o Paulo (BR)

The S?o Paulo BOOST database provide disaggregated revenue and expenditure data for the State of S?o Paulo from 2010 onwards. The data used to develop these databases was taken directly from the  section of the website of the Secretariat of Finance as well as the state¡¯s transparency portal (Portal da Transpar¨ºncia Estadual). The revenue database presents revenue that has been budgeted and collected by the state at the most detailed level. The data can be broken down by administrative and economic classification, as well as source of funds. The expenditure database contains the approved and modified budget, as well as the expenditure cycle broken down by administrative, economic, functional, and program classification.



Senegal has published comprehensive budget and execution BOOST data in the . The data presented in BOOST captures budget expenditures from 2010 onwards at the national level of government. The data can be broken down by administrative, functional and economic classifications, as well as projects.


Seychelles BOOST presents expenditure and revenue data from 2004 onwards. In addition to four levels of administrative classification, the data is further disaggregated by seven levels of economic classification, and by source of funding for development projects and projects for centralized payments, projects of the development budget, and debt items.  Users can also examine the above the line and below the line budgetary operations of the government of Seychelles.



Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands¡¯ BOOST presents annual expenditure amounts from 2006 onwards, dissected in four levels of economic classification, three levels of functional classification, source of financing, type of budget, and two levels of administrative classifications. The database includes information only for the central government.

South Africa

South Africa BOOSt platform was compiled through detailed information disseminated by the Government.  Central spending was collected on the while municipal data has been collected .  The platform includes annual expenditure data from 2015 onwards across all levels. Federal data classifies the information by economic administrative and programmatic classification. Provincial and municipal data displays slightly less granularity and a functional classification that is not fully consistent with central.level..


The Togo BOOST presents seven steps of the expenditure chain from the budget approved by the  to actual payments, from 2009 onwards. Togo was the first WAEMU member state to make its BOOST publicly available. The data presented in the database can be dissected into four levels of economic and administrative classification, two levels of functional classification, three levels of funding sources, and two levels of geographic classification. The database includes information for central government; information on projects financed by donors is not presented as this information is not captured in the Public Financial Management Information System.



Tunisia is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa region to release budget and expenditure data to the public using BOOST. The Tunisia BOOST database provides disaggregated budget data of the central government from 2008 onwards, presented according to an administrative/functional, economic, and programmatic classification. BOOST is also disseminated through


The Uganda BOOST database presents data of expenditures executed by the state and local governments. The data was provided by the Ministry of Finance from 2003 onwards and is organized following the country¡¯s budget classification system which includes an administrative, economic, functional and geographic classification. The BOOST database includes allocated budget, revised and expenditures of central and local government agencies. 



Ukraine BOOST offers one of the most granular micro fiscal database available to date with expenditure and revenue data available from 2003 onwards by administrative, economic, functional, programmatic and geographic classification.  Starting in 2018, the ministry of Finance has also began presenting such data in user friendly formats in its .


Uruguay BOOST is built directly from the official l. The database includes expenditures data from 2011 onwards, classifying the information in three economic classifications, one functional classification, two administrative classifications and one program and project classifications. Additionally, it identifies two sources of funding and presents three different stages of the budget cycle (approved, modified and executed amounts).  No subnational data is currently available.



