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Debt Statistics

Additional Data Sources

The following are links to additional and alternative data sources that may be used to complement or validate the data presented in International Debt Statistics. These include data on international financial flows compiled by other international organizations, debt related data published by low- and middle-income countries reporting to the and information published by creditors on their lending activities, as well as alternative data sources compiled and published by academic institutions or private entities. While every attempt has been made to identify all known information sources the list of links given below may not be exhaustive.

  • These links are to stock and flow data on debt and other financial flows compiled by international organizations with which the World Bank coordinates closely.

    • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD)
    • United Nations
  • Many low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS) publish debt bulletins, debt report and other debt related information on the Ministry of Finance or Central Bank website. They may be used to crosscheck data reported to the DRS. The relevant links to these country-specific reports or statistics are given below.


  • Official bilateral and multilateral lending agencies often provide information on loans extended to low- and middle-income countries and related obligations in annual reports or other statistics accessible on their websites.  These are useful for comparison of debtor and creditor records.  The relevant links to these reports or statistics are given below.

    Multilateral Lenders

    • Arab Monetary Fund
    • Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
    • Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
    • European Investment Fund
    • Inter-American Development Bank
    • The OPEC Fund for International Development

    Bilateral Lenders

    • Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
    • French Agency for Development
    • Indian Exim Bank
      •  (scroll down to Downloads > Government of India - Lines of Credit Statistics)
    • Japan International Cooperation Agency
    • Korea Economic Development Cooperation Fund
    • Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
    • Saudi Fund for Development
    • United States
  • These are alternative data sources compiled and published by academic institutions, in academic research, or by private entities. 

    • IMF Publications
    • Researcher Databases

World Bank Debt Statistics

Blue city background

International Debt Statistics (IDS)

Provides comprehensive annual external debt stocks and flows data.
A colorful tree map showing the relative sizes and values of annual debt service to official bilateral creditors from DSSI eligible countries in 2020.

Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI)

Comprehensive annual external debt stocks and flows data as reported by the borrowers for 68 out of the 73 eligible countries to the 2020 DSSI.
Abstract graphic with dots and lines

Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS)

Provides quarterly external debt position broken down by sector, maturity, instruments, and currency.
Abstract graphic of text and numbers

Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QPSD)

Brings together detailed public sector debt data of selected developing and high-income countries.


World Bank Debt Data Team
1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433