Debt statistics are compiled and disseminated using the concepts and definitions of the latest international standards. Below you can access methodology relating to our databases and additional manuals and guides, such as the and the .
Debt statistics are compiled and disseminated using the concepts and definitions of the latest international standards. Below you can access methodology relating to our databases and additional manuals and guides, such as the and the .
The DRS Manual is available in the following languages (PDF):
The DRS system captures detailed information at loan level for external borrowing of reporting countries using standardized set of forms. Click on the various forms below for a direct download to the Excel form:
Additional guides:
Data access:
For access to data more granular than the database, please see the World Bank Access to Information Policy.
The IDS database and the IDR publication are is published annually in the fall. Following this publication, data and metadata updates in the IDS database and the online tables will be reflected by the end of December and April in a database refresh.
For more information on the DRS, please visit the data tables, FAQ, or the .
To support the Bank-IMF Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) and in the interests of greater debt transparency, the World Bank released data on the public and publicly guaranteed debt stocks and projected debt service due, for the DSSI eligible countries, disaggregated by creditor type.
For more information on DSSI, please visit our data tables or the FAQ.
Additional resources:
For more information on QEDS, please visit our data tables or the FAQ.
Additional resources: