The International Debt Report (IDR), formerly International Debt Statistics (IDS), is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 121 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
Now in its fiftieth year, IDR supports policymakers and analysts by monitoring aggregate and country-specific trends in external debt in low- and middle-income countries. It provides a comprehensive picture of external borrowing and sources of lending by type of borrower and creditor. The IDR includes recent findings from academic research on debt transparency and draws on the IDS database to provide empirical evidence of the evolution of official and private creditors¡¯ lending volumes and terms over the past decade.
In addition, the IDS-DSSI database includes the actual debt service deferred in 2022 by each bilateral creditor and the projected monthly debt-service payments owed to all bilateral creditors for year 2023.