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Debt & Fiscal Risks Toolkit

Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS)

The Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) is a framework developed by the World Bank and IMF to guide the debt management decisions and operations of government authorities. The MTDS links borrowing with macroeconomic policy; helps countries maintain sustainable levels of debt; and facilitates domestic debt market development.

Debt managers are responsible for raising the funding a government needs at the lowest possible cost over the medium- to long-run, consistent with a prudent degree of risk. The MTDS outlines how the government intends to borrow and manage its debt to achieve a portfolio that reflect its cost and risk preferences, while meeting financing needs.

Implementing an MTDS helps governments manage risk exposures arising from its debt portfolio, reduce macro-financial risks, reinforces fiscal policy and supports the development of a functioning government securities market.

Countries with Current Medium-Term Debt Management Strategies*


Year published

Period covered

Albania2022 - 2026
Angola2022 - 2024
Armenia2024 - 2026
Bangladesh22022 - 2024
Benin2023 - 2025
Bhutan2021 - 2023
Botswana2023 - 2024
Brazil2021 - 2030
Burkina Faso2022 - 2024
Cambodia2019 - 2023
Cameroon2021 - 2023
Colombia2018 - 2022
Congo, Dem. Rep.2020 - 2024
Costa Rica222020 - 2027
C?te d'Ivoire2022 - 2026
Dominica2014 - 2018
Dominican Republic2016 - 2020
Egypt, Arab Rep.2021 - 2024
Ecuador2021 - 2024
Ethiopia2016 - 2020
Fiji2024 - 2026
Georgia2022 - 2025
Ghana2023 - 2026
Grenada2022 - 2024
Guinea2020 - 2024
Honduras2022 - 2025
India2015 - 2018
Indonesia2020 - 2024
Jamaica22024 - 2028
Kenya2024 - 2027
Kosovo2022 - 2024
Lebanon2017 - 2021
Lesotho2018 - 2022
Liberia2021 - 2023
Madagascar2020 - 2022
Malawi22018 - 2022
Maldives2024 - 2026
Mali2022 - 2024
Moldova2020 - 2022
Mongolia2019 - 2022
Namibia2018 - 2025
Nicaragua2020 - 2023
Nigeria2020 - 2023
North Macedonia32024 - 2026
Pakistan32023 - 2026
Panama2023 - 2027
Papua New Guinea2022 - 2027
Paraguay2021 - 2025
Peru2020 - 2023
Poland2023 - 2026
Romania2021 - 2023
Rwanda2023 - 2025
Samoa2022 - 2026
Senegal2023 - 2025
Serbia2022 - 2024
Sierra Leone2021 - 2025
Sri Lanka2019 - 2023
St. Lucia2023 - 2026
St. Vincent and the Grenadines2022 - 2024
Tanzania2022 - 2024
Togo2024 - 2026
Tonga2021 - 2025
Uganda2023 - 2026
Ukraine2012 - 2024
Uruguay2020 - 2024
Vanuatu2019 - 2022
Zambia2023 - 2026
Zimbabwe2022 - 2025

*The documents in this list are published and maintained by governments. This list will be updated annually. (Last update occurred in April 2024.) The publication of a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy is assessed as part of the Debt Reporting Heat Map.



The MTDS framework consists of an eight-step methodology, supported by an analytical tool, which enables governments to assess the potential cost and risk trade-offs they may face under different debt management strategies. The MTDS framework covers:

  • the objectives and scope of debt management;
  • the characteristics of the existing debt portfolio and the identification of risk priorities;
  • the sources of potential domestic and external financing; the macroeconomic framework and structural factors;
  • baseline pricing assumptions and shock scenarios; and the comparison of alternative funding strategies based on estimates of cost and risk.


Through the Debt Management Facility, ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº and IMF have provided over 100 bilateral technical assistance missions on the MTDS since 2008. This technical assistance has been complemented by regional, international, and online training.  

Read More

Publication: The Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS): An Assessment of Recent Capacity Building

This publication looks at the 10 years of MTDS and how it has been adapted to function in a more complex international environment.

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