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Mind, Behavior, and Development

Our Work

Since eMBeD¡¯s formal inception, our team has been involved in more than 100 projects in over 70 countries. We promote the systematic use of behaviorally informed tools in development policies and projects and help institutionalize the use of behavioral science in development organizations and governments.

We also provide evidence on scaled and sustainable behavioral solutions through easy-to-read results briefs, infographics, and policy notes. These public goods are designed to make it simple for others to learn what works and how to apply it to their own work. Our working papers generate better behavioral data, providing rich insight into program implementation and evaluation.

Our nine thematic areas are:

Climate & Energy

Climate & Energy

Effective Organizations

Effective Organizations


Financial Inclusion & Taxation

Gender Equality

Gender Equality

Health & Well-being

Health & Well-being

Learning & Beliefs

Learning & Beliefs

Mindstats & Measurement

Mindstats & Measurement

Social Cohesion

Social Cohesion



  • Behaviorally informed interventions can help policy makers increase uptake of renewable energy products, improve disaster risk management, and address beneficiary-level behavior around energy and water savings. 


    Both men and women are standing in front of the forest

    Using behavioral science to increase women¡¯s participation in natural resource management in Mexico

    February 2024
    A woman is talking with the person about wastewater in Brazil

    Identifying the challenges and barriers to wastewater connections in Brazil

    December 2023
    Water valve handle is on the water bill

    Using behavioral insights to drive water bill payment: An experiment in Recife, Brazil

    December 2023

    September 2023

    October 2022

    July 2022

    July 2021

    February 2021

    November 2020

    January 2020


    January 2020 ¨C Infographic



    April 2012
  • Gaining new tools, learning from others and addressing the behavioral biases behind program and policy design and implementation can dramatically increase effectiveness and improve long-term outcomes at every level. 


    March 2022 ¨C Blog

    September 2021 ¨C Blog

    September 2021 ¨C Blog

    January 2021 ¨C Blog

    December 2020 ¨C Blog

    September 2020

    June 2020 ¨C Discussion Paper

    May 2020 ¨C Policy Brief

    December 2018

    April 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    April 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    March 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    February 2018 ¨C Report

    September 2017 ¨C Report

    February 2017 ¨C Report

    November 2017 ¨C Blog
  • In development settings, behavioral science can provide solutions to intractable tax and financial challenges and target context specific needs. 


    March 2022 ¨C Paper

    March 2022 ¨C Blog

    December 2021

    October 2021 ¨C Blog

    July 2021 ¨C Blog

    February 2021 ¨C Policy Brief

    March 2021 ¨C Results Brief

    September 2020 ¨C Blog

    September 2020 ¨C Blog

    September 2019

    March 2019

    February 2018 ¨C Results Brief


    June 2016 ¨C Working Paper

    April 2016 ¨C Paper

    May 2014 ¨C Paper
  • By addressing the norms and beliefs that inhibit women¡¯s progress across domains, we seek to break down barriers to equality for women and girls. 


    June 2024

    September 2023

    July 2023

    June 2023

    March 2023

    December 2022

    JULY 2022

    APRIL 2022 ¨C REPORT

    April 2022 ¨C REPORT

    Spring 2022 ¨C REPORT CHAPTER

    June 2019 ¨C REPORT

    May 2019

    July 2017

    November 2016 ¨C Working Paper
  • Mental and physical health are important determinants of societal wellbeing, where behavioral science examines both the structural and psychological barriers to better health across target beneficiary groups. 


    behavioral science around the world vol 3 public health

    Behavioral Science Around the World - Volume III: Public Health

    May 2024

    March 2024

    August 2023

    August 2023
    An older adult woman in Mozambique

    Behavioral aspects of healthy longevity

    March 2023
    A father is holding a baby in a room

    Experimental evidence from a messaging intervention in Uruguay

    March 2023

    November 2022

    November 2022

    OCTOBER 2022

    August 2022

    July 2022

    MAY 22 - Report

    APRIL 2022 ¨C Blog

    MARCH 2022 ¨C Blog

    March 2022 ¨C Blog

    August 2021 ¨C Brief

    December 2020 ¨C Blog

    May 2020 ¨C Brief

    January 2020 ¨C Results Brief


    December 2018

    January 2018

    February 2016
  • Addressing the biases and beliefs of students, trainees, teachers, and parents can have dramatic impacts for learners of all ages¡ªand an outsized effect on achievement among the most vulnerable. 


    November 2021 ¨C Paper

    July 2021 ¨C Blog

    March 2021

    December 2020 ¨C Working Paper

    February 2020 ¨C Working Paper

    December 2019 ¨C Working Paper

    November 2018 ¨C Brief

    April 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    April 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    August 2017

    March 2017
  • Understanding and addressing the barriers presented by the psychology of poverty and trauma is a core element of improving policy and program design for populations across the globe.


    November 2022

    March 2021 ¨C Blog

    September 2020

    June 2020 ¨C Working Paper

    July 2019

    December 2018

    August 2018

    January 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    January 2018 ¨C Results Brief

    January 2017 ¨C Working Paper

    March 2016
  • Addressing inter- and intra-community social cohesion challenges, such as conflict is a pressing need in today¡¯s world. A behavioral science approach to these issues can support prejudice reduction, inclusion, conflict management and reintegration, and more.



    March 2019 ¨C Working Paper

    September 2018 ¨C Blog

    December 2017 ¨C Working Paper
  • Addressing the structural and psychological barriers to persistence in entering and remaining in the labor market is central to our work. This includes examining policies, like job training programs; understanding individuals¡¯ aspirations, and more.


    October 2023

    June 2023

    November 2022

    July 2022 - REPORT

    August 2020 ¨C World Bank Poverty & Equity Note


    January 2020

    2019-2020 ¨C Working Paper

    May 2019 ¨C Results Brief

    May 2019 ¨C Results Brief

    Results Brief

    January 2018 ¨C Policy Note